May God Bless Jessica Lunsford's soul, and sooth the grief of her family with the faith and knowledge that Jessica is in a better world than ours now. Which leads us to this question: HOW DO WE MAKE OUR WORLD BETTER? I KNOW HOW: By locking up convicted child molesters for life.
Punishment and prisons supposedly exist to PROTECT society. If the current laws allow our most precious and beautiful citizens - OUR CHILDREN - to be at continued risk of further harm then the laws are inadequate and must be changed!
This blog has been set up to change things. I don't believe what we need is merely a national registry of people convicted of child molestation (as is argued by the brave parents of children murdered by previously convicted child molesters - parents Mr. Klaas and Ms. Van Damm).
I think we need to make the crime of child molestation punishable by LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE.
We can call the law that makes the "child molestation a crime punishable by life in prison" - Jessica's Law.
How can we do this? Simple: Put your name and address in the comments section of this blog. And then mail or email this page to your elected representatives in the US Senate, the House, and your state assembly.
Making this change will save many lives - the lives our children.
What better thing for our laws to do?
There's a petition on-line (and the link is in the comments section) that seeks to establish a mandatory national registry. BUT THIS IS NOT ENOUGH; this will PREVENT NOTHING.
Jessica and the Van Damm girl and the Klaas girl were murdered by REPEAT OFFENDERS.
To prevent that from EVER HAPPENING AGAIN these perps must be locked up for life after they commit their first offense.
I'd support the death penalty ON PRINCIPLE but since less than half of the states have death penalties for premeditated murder, I do not think we'd ever get all the states to make child molestation punishable by death. But we could get all the states to make child molestation punishable by a life sentence.
At 7:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Life in prison? Meaning we have to support a piece of garbage that would harm and kill children. I vote for death to anyone who would do these things to a child. And not years after the crime either. I mean days, after they are found guilty. That would give a would be child molester something to think about.
At 4:24 AM,
Frank_D said…
There are a number of child molesters / pedophiles who are not beyond rehabilitation. This is scientifically studied fact.
While it is true that many molesters / pedophiles are not capable of such rehabilitation, those who are, and who struggle to make the rehab process work for themselves, should not be punished for life.
Perhaps a peocess of, say, triennial assessment could be put in place to see if the offender has made any rehabilitative process. If not, then parole should be denied.
If he is released, his parole should be closely supervised, including a periodic re-assessment for the Court.
If he appears to be backsliding, or. God forbid, there is another offense, then back to prison he (or she) goes -- for life.
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
The problem is establishing what is "child molestation". I voted for the three strikes law in california some 10 years ago only to see it perverted beyond everyones wildest imagination. Is Janet Jacksons superbowl stunt molestation? Giving alcohol to a minor? I don't trust our government enough to give them power to be judge and jury on issues that are uncomfortable to discuss like that.
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
My comment....put the child molesters into GP (general population), once they are in prison. That should take care it the problem!!!!!
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
May God bless Jessica and her family.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Something must be done...and soon. No more children lost for lack of a law that could prevent it.
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
God bless Jessica and her family. I hope that as time passes something actually gets done instead it being buried in the news and peoples minds. Like some jurisdictions that require drunk drivers to get there asses to a probation officer once or twice a month, these creeps need to check at least that often and in person. Or we could just castrate them and lobotomize them:)
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
We have made an all-out effort to protect the citizens of America from International terrorists, we spending millions of dollars to hold those who pose a threat to us in Guantanamo, yet we have these "HomeGrown" terrorists among us. It does not make sense to me. In the State of Florida in recent years we have lost little Amanda Brown, Carlie Bruscia and now sweet Jessica, there are many more and not just little girls..innocent little boys have been brutally murdered as well. When will American Law stand up and protect children from these monsters? These monsters must be dealt with NOW. Sexual predators! Sexual Offenders! What in the heck is the difference? They are all scum. We must require any thing and everything to be done. Castration, imprisonment, fast executions...and if that turns those liberals stomachs out there, who think these means are cruel then they have never lost a child. I lost a 15 year old niece to an illness and it pained the entire family and we still mourn and yet there is nothing that can heal the wounds of losing a child needlessly to the hands of a monster.
What about an isle of banishment? No food , no water just the clothes on their backs and a place they could never escape from. Let them all live together and get their jollies from one another.
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
i hate these people i think they should rot in prison and get rapped in the ass and die and hang and be set on fire and still live and let the famalies decide what to do with the stupid fuckers hmmmmmmmmmmmm i will put a tracking device on my children
At 10:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
We need tuffer laws.
If they are going to be out of jail etc, for first offenses. There are more than 30,000 I heard in Florida alone.
My god they are now going into our homes while we sleep. That means we have to stay awake while our children sleep. We have to have our windows bared in our homes. Where these sick people should remain behind bars. Not our children.
If they are on drugs and have been arrested. It is time we take action on these drug dependent choice takers or sick sick mad child molesters. Let's get tuff.
Death penalty in a short time. Not years. We have to pay for their care lawyers, rehab all costs. Let's pay to get rid of them no matter what the cost.
I tell you I am so upset this is enough. Any state, any home, and any where in the US. Our kids are being taken before their time by sick sick people. Linda
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just dont know what to say. Why do we have our men and women over seas fighting for someone else when we have problems like this at home? It just doesn't seem right!
To Jessica's family:
God bless you in your time of sorrow.
To the parents of her friends and classmates:
Teach your childern to be ready for anything.
To the police who caught this monster:
Thank you very much.
And finally....
To the judges:
Hell have no furry like a mothers scorn!
At 2:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Almost 20 years ago a family member molested my daughter, and my 2 nieces. One of the 3 girls have died, she never got over the trauma and basically ate herself to death. She died of heart failure and was overweight by 150 pounds; the other 2 went on to make the best of their broken lives. The Pedophile got away with it and continues to molest children. He should have gone to jail, but because 2 of the girls were only 5 years old and the other was mentally retarded, the state's Attorney did not feel he could win the case so the charges were dropped. There is no cure for Pedophilia. Anyone who molests children should experience radical castration and be made to work to pay restitution to their victims. My family will never be the same and my heart goes out to Jessica's Father.
At 6:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
This "monster" only lives 15 miles from my home.I believe a confessed murderer should be executed immediatly. Why on God's earth should Jessica's family and other tax payers pay to keep this man alive for the rest of his life, feeding him,giving him medical attention. Jessica left this world the hard way. He deserves the same. I pray for her family and hope they get justice.
At 6:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
I feel the death penalty Is to good for the scum these creeps are.send the to Iraq with a pellet gun.
At 6:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
What should be done is this. Once they are released from jail/prison, they need to have a tracking device on or implanted in them. This way, "we" know where they are at all times. Simply registering where they live isn't working. Something should be done to keep track of them 24 hours a day. Instead of implanting "chips" into our children and animals, they should be put into these people. I also think that if they are convicted again, then that's it. Game Over. You need to keep in mind that not every child tells. So let's say if someone is convicted once for offending, for that child who spoke up, there could be 10 more.....This is a HUGE problem that needs to be taken care of NOW!
At 8:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am deeply saddened that there are not millions of comments posted on this page. Does no one care about what happens to their children? Don't people know they have to get involved in order for things to happen. Stand up and say "We ae not going to let this happen again" The laws are designed for the criminals and without strict punishment instead of a slap on the hand this will continue to happen. Punish them severely and it will not happen. This piece of scum had 23 arrests - I don't think he learned his lesson or was rehabilitated in jail. Jessica's father said in his statement "They do not deserve to be among us", it is "Terrorism for children". We love and protect our children and then this man who had 23 arrests is allowed to take her from her bed and do the unthinkable. I know I never want my children or any child to be that terrified and I will not stop until something is done to change these laws. Everyone needs to do something about this right now. Write to your politicians and get these laws changed!
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
It,s time for Congress to pass a Jessica,s Law to get these Scum off are streets
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
God Bless the person who put this blog on the web and everyone who will take up the fight to get "Jessica's Law" passed. We need to work it from this side of Heaven just as she is doing her part in our hearts from up there right now. We must not forget her, Danielle, Samantha, Polly, Adam and all the other little precious people we are FAILING to protect by not putting the full force of democracy and our mouths, writings and votes behind getting FIRST time offenders OFF THE STREETS for LIFE. I fully agree this is the ONLY way to put a stop to it. No one but another demon could object to this idea. These cretins are not able to be rehabilitated. They often work their way up to more and more heinous crimes. I was someone's early victim and he got away with it. I shudder to think of how many other little girls he preyed upon after me and what worse things might have happened to them. Let us not get busy with other things and forget these angels. We must fight with every fiber of our being to end this scourge. These people are terrorists and demons who must be removed from civilized society. Our children rely on us for their safety. We have to do this. We have the votes and the voices to do it. Let's get busy.
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would love to do whatever I can to help get a law like this passed. I don't know where to even begin. I think this blog would be a great place for such information to be posted.
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a child I was molested by two family members who went on to abuse other male and females in the family. The family hid the whole thing and blamed it on the "drink". Except for knowing the Lord when I got older, I would have gone on to destroy myself & kill the molesters first. Solution to child abuse: tougher laws, better counselling at grade school level, and less porn and garbage on tv and at the movies. Any child abuser should know one strike and you are out! No parole, no life sentence, just one short iv and You are gone from this world. Kids are precious,innocent and adults need to stop being so liberal, get rid of the garbage in their own life, volunteer in their own community plus write to their congressman, senators, and the President. It takes action and movers and shakers, not just talkers! Thanks for caring! If their is an abuser in your household, report that person! Don't destroy your kids! I have survived but two other members of my family have destroyed their lives! Nobody in the adult world cared!
At 4:44 PM,
Reliapundit said…
The petition listed above only is for a national registery. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH; this will PREVENT NOTHING.
Jessica and the Van Damm girl andf the Kolss girl were murdered by REPEAT OFFENDERS.
To prevent that from EVER HAPPENING AGAIN these perps must be locked up for life.
Less than half of the states have death penalties for premediatated murder, so I do not think we can get all the states to make child molestation punishable by death.
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
It seems well understood that this particular sort of evil sickness is rarely cured. I support the concept of making pedophilia punishable by an automatic life sentence. I could support an exception only if a combination of castration and close monitoring were employed.
As a father, I cannot imagine the horror the past few weeks and the next few years will be for the parents, grandparents and close friends of this poor, poor little girl. For whatever it is worth, please feel a fraction of my sorrow I feel for all of you.
At 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe that any person who has committed a act of evil molesting innocent children need to suffer in prison without day light. My prayers go out to those who's loved ones taken from them. I ALSO BELIEVE EVERY SEX OFFENDER SHOULD REGISTER EVEN IF IT'S BEFORE THE LAW CAME ACTIVE. HERE IN MICHIGAN ONE DOES NOT NEED TO REGISTER BEFORE THERE CRIME WAS COMMITTED OCTOBER 1, 1995. HOW R WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW?????????
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really don't know what is the right punishment for these people. I don't believe in the death penalty, because I don't believe that anyone has the right to end a life.. not even the government, however, I don't think that tax payers should have to support these people for the rest of their lives either.
Whoever said give them lobotomies and castrate them may have the best idea yet.
At 5:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I feel very sorry for the family and hope the laws will change so that the innocent the children will not have to suffer like this child. What needs to be done for all of us to know when an offender is in our neighborhoods. I think more needs to be done. In New York where I am from a letter goes out with each child if an offender comes into the neighborhood, maybe this needs to be done. Whatever it takes, our children need help.
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am in complete agreement with your suggestion and the impetus behind this blog, I would suggest though that if you are serious about helping, that you take your effort to the next level.
If you are interested in doing something that will have a lasting impact just email me
I am beyond sickened by yet another horrifying abduction, rape and murder of a child and I just can't fathom a world where this type of injustice is allowed to exist.
Please contact me if you want to discuss further.
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would like to say i am a victim of rape and for me to grow older and know that the man who did tgose horrible things to me is walking the streets like a normal person when they are not. I am now 15 years old and i am ruined for life. SO I WANT THOSE SCUM BALLS TO ROT IN A PLACE CALLED HELL!
At 10:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Solution: Hang the bastard, take him to be drawn (have one's intestines ripped from the body and burned, a hideously painful act that extends the torture because the victims do not die immediately)and let them lay to rot. This should solve any thoughts of molesting a child.
Or, Castrate him and let him rot.
At 8:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
My heart goes out to Jessica's family. Seeing her Dad on TV made me cry everytime. I just feel so bad for the entire family. I pray for them and for Jessica. May God Bless Them.
At 7:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
I support Jessica's Law
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well let me say what is on my mind. I personally feel that these pieces of scum should suffer. I agree with castration 100%. What I don't understand is why they keep these disgustsing pieces of shit in protective custody. I believe they should be put out there with the big boys. They will take care of them with no problems. Jessica went to school with my grandaughter. This has hit my family very hard. I just don't understand the laws. He gets to be protected but Jessica wasn't. My deepest sympathy goes out to Mark and his family. May God Bless Jessica.
At 2:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
I support this proposal 100%. I don't care if some 1st time offenders are capable of rehabilitation or not. The risk their release would pose to the community is simply unacceptable.
The way I see it, it's better for 100 offenders who are capable of rehab to rot in jail for the rest of their lives than for one innocent child to suffer due to a bad parole decision. After all, the offenders have already committed a hideous crime. Justice entails more than mere deterrence; it's about punishment too, or should be.
That said, I'm afraid this law doesn't have a snowflake's chance in hell of passing. And it's not just due to "liberals" either, as some have implied. In the days after Couey confessed, conservative governor Jeb Bush responded to public outcries for tougher punishment or better tracking of offenders with mealy-mouthed statements about not rushing into things in the heat of the moment, blah blah blah.
His wimpy statements struck me as the height of hypocrisy because in that very same timeframe, Governor and President Bush were both demonstrating a propensity for rushing into things. They didn't have a problem convening special legislative sessions and flying around at great taxpayer expense to sign special bills, etc., to interfere in the private family dispute of a woman with the sentient capacity of a turnip. But they can't be bothered to address the issue of perverts snatching innocent children out of their beds and killing them. I suppose they don't see protecting children as an issue that would energize the pro-life camp in the service of party politics.
So what can we do? Well, we can make enough noise so that the politicians DO realize the wide appeal of this issue. It's all about politics, I'm afraid, so they won't do squat unless it's made clear to them that their precious re-elections are in jeopardy if they don't do something. If ever there were a bi-partisan issue, this should be it. I've written to my elected officials, and I hope y'all do the same.
As for Couey, I think a good old fashioned lynch mob is in order. I'm from the area where this occurred, and I know the good citizens of Citrus County are capable of it. Failing that, the government will get around to executing him in 15 years or so, if he doesn't die of old age in the meantime.
And what of the sexual predators who live all around us? Well, thanks to, we (citizens of Florida, anyway) know where they are. If the state won't protect our kids from these monsters, we'll have to do it ourselves. Use your imaginations.
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I say that these people who hurt our children be killed the same way they hurt our children.
Sex offenders should have the dicks blown off and their hands burned. Slow torture and pain. They should all die a horrible death not an easy one like a needle to put them to sleep.
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
The question is what can we do right now right here? Hearing the latest news of jessica breaks my heart and lights a fire. I want to help!
At 11:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nine out of ten experts agree that Peodophiles are beyond rehabilitation. This is a disease with no cure.They only pose as threats to our children!!! I agree that life in prison would be the best solution. Death is not harsh enough. Perhaps we should consider castrating these individuals!!!!!! That would eliminate the financial burden of supporting them for life and eliminate any way to act on sexually driven impulses!!!!!!
At 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
let me know what i can do!
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
sharon said
We as citzens and parents should stand up and make sure these sexual predators stay away from our kids. The law should be one strike and your out, these kids don't get a second chance why should they!!! I can't even think how these parents must feel losing a child to one of these crimanals.
I lost a child but from different means (SIDS) and the pain is still there but if someone did that to my child the feeling would be way different. I work with kids at a Pediatric office and I have seen many things already so far and this needs to stop. It's already bad enough that kids are going to have problems with health issues they don't need the problems against the sick people that abuse them. Lets stand together and make sure the words for our KIDS are made known. We will not stand for this behavior and we shouldn't have too!!!! Lets get these sick people off our streets and show them that we as parents will not put up with them!!! God Bless the family of Jessica my prayers are with you!!! I would want to be behind this law to keep the sickos off the street
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I fully believe that these people should at the minimum be sentenced to life in prison. We are talking about murder even if a life has not been taken, innocense certainly has and there is no way for these children to obtain that innocense again. Personally I think that this should be the most important concern of Americans today and would gladly march on Washington just to get our point accross! I am a mother and I am mad as hell!! We give drug dealers and tax evaders harsher treatment. Don't get me wrong-a criminal is a criminal-but when I see the headlines in the paper and a person caught with a little pot recieves a longer sentence than a person who has stolen the innocense of a small child it makes me absolutely furious. I don't condone drug use, but those people can be reformed, a pedophile can not!!!!!! Being a pedophile is a preference which means they enjoy getting off on small children. This is an attitude that can not be reformed. What can we do to show our support of harsher penalties? Does anyone know of a color that we can wear as a ribbon? I would wear it until the laws change if need be. I think we should let Jessica's father know just how much his little girl has affected us! Maybe some type of ribbon or bracelet should be created in her honor to provide donations to a fund in her name. I don't know the answers I am just mad as hell!!!!!!
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I Cant find the petition! Help! Email it to me anyone
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
I will never forget Jessica. I can't believe that someone could come into someone's home and take a child out of their bed, go across the street and do the things he did to her for two days and then take her beautiful life. Thank God she at least had her stuffed dolphin with her. What happened to her is unbelievable!
At 7:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm commenting on an above comment. i disagree completly with the comment that an offender should be given the oppritunity to rehabilitate themselves,if they will do that once they will do it again. when they go to prison people that are thought to be extremly sick ppl that cut up their boss or sumthin into little pieces are not even that sick they try to kill ppl like jon cooey.
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have two daugters of my own and recently I found out that a neighbor touched them. He also raped his 8 year old stepdaughter. In all there were 5 little girls that he hurt. Two were mine!!! It broke my heart to know that this man who we all trusted would do this. He is in the local county jail right now and he goes to court on the 27th of July. This man needs to be put away for good. I hate him so much for what he has done!!!! I agree with Jessica's Law!! I pray that Texas will pass that law.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
One question I have to ask of all liberals who think Jessica's Law is too harsh:
How would you feel if it was YOUR child that was kidnapped from the safety of your home, brutally raped, and buried alive...clutching their favorite stuffed animal? Tell me, Mr. or Ms. Civil Libertarian...would you support rehabilitation to the monster that did that to YOUR child?
Put them away...forever.
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree life in prioson without parole. I have been contacting my local governor in Oregon. In Oregon you have to call a 1800 # and leave your information on a vm just to get a list of sex offenders in your area. Oregon is not participating in the Jessica Lunsford law and it is making me sick. I have left voicemails on my local governors vm as to this effect. These people are sick and cannot be rehabilitated.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have read all the comment on this page. I visited the site. I would really like to do something, but I am not sure what I can do. I agree we need to keep this thing from happening again. How do we get the jessica law as a federal law? How do we get it to be a bill up for vote? How can we get a petition started on the Jessica law? Just having a sex offence registry is not enough. I have checked in my state of Kentucky over the internet and some of the people they don't even have address on and haven't updated the sex offender in 2 years. So if anyone can answer these questions please e-mail me at
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sex offenders CAN be changed! Anyone who thinks they can't is only displaying their ignorance. The "professionals" are wrong on this one!
I am tired of people thinking sex offenders are worse then other offenders. Do you realize a sex offender is created by the very things that are legal? Porn, alcohol, drugs, and yes, even the sex education in school! All these help to PRODUCE sex offenders but no one is willing to admit it but it is true! A drunk kills more people then sex offenders and the victim is just as dead. Why the big difference?
What about living beside a thief? How safe are you with him living beside you? No one is talking about them. Why? Did you know that even consentual sex between a minor and adult is also considered a violent sex offence if reported? Consider this scenerio if you think this law should be passed: Your son is 19 and dates a 17 year old. They have sex, as a lot of them do. Later they break up. The 17 year old girl is angry and heart broken that she lost her boyfriend, and decides to report your son to the police that he raped her or sexually touched her. She does this just for revenge. This happens all the time. Now your son goes to prison for 5 to 10 years. With this Jessica's law, your son goes to prison for 25 years? Is this what you really want? Yes, your son is now labeled a violent sex offender! Oh yes he is! Is he violent? Of course not, but the LAW says he is. And this could happen to your son, and it easy could, as it happens all the time. Many men are in prison due to this happening. This law will send your son to prison for 25 years. Yes, I know I am repeating myself, but is this what you people REALLY want? You better think about it before you jump on this band wagon!
Remember, more laws will NOT protect everything or everyone. They haven't in the past and they won't in the future. The main reason there are repeat offenders is because the prison system as it is now is pathetic.
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't like to use the word hate, but despise works. One of these creeps lives across the street from me and my three Children, I have warned them and drilled them on what to do if they are ever approach by him or anyone else they are not sure of or know, and what to do if someone makes them fill uncomfortable. That's what parents are told to do. Start terrifying your children early in life. Teach them not to talk to anyone (be rued) don't trust anyone( be fearful). I use to think kids that said I don't have to listen to you you're not my mom were rued, but they are right they shouldn't listen to me, they shouldn't even trust me. That's what their parent have told them to do to protect themselves. These creeps know the laws better than we do they know what they can get by with, and how many DAYS they’re going to get free room and board, laundry service, free cable tv, a work out room, three hot meals cooked for them and all paid for by they parents of the child they hurt. Good grief they may as well put them up at the Hilton hotel. This ass hole across from me got 30 days and the boy he raped got a life sentence of fear, hurt, painful memories sham, I can't even imagine the terror. I just don't understand how anyone in their right mind would defend someone that hurt a child. They must be just as sick as the person that committed the crime. Maybe if the creeps knew they would go to prison for life they would think again before touching our kids. I know one thing for sure if some thing don't change it's just a matter of time before someone takes the law into there own hands. One thing I think they should do is castrate them ,to hell with their right. I don’t care how much trash there is out there, that’s no excuse to violate someone.
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
The members of my message board are doing everything we can to get this law passed in our states. I am tired of naming new laws after child victims, why cant we protect the children while their here instead of trying to do it when their gone. Im sorry for your loss and I hope you find the strength to make it through this. My thoughts are with your family....
At 9:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all, I think that the jails are too comfortable for prisoners. They should have the bear necessities. Not workout benches, TV, availability to get a degree in jail. Those of us out in the real world have to pay for schooling, while the monsters get it free. What is wrong with this picture. They are there for a reason and to sit and think and work, work, work for what they have done. The money that they make in jail needs to go back into the system. They should not get to keep it. Castration is a wonderful idea. Also, I think that these judges become numb to their job. LOOK at what these awful human beings ( if that is what they are )are doing to these innocent children. MAKE THEM PAY!!!!
At 5:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
I too am appalled that we allow "terrorists" (of the worst kind) to be set free after one offense. They need to be locked up for the rest of their life.
Jessica's Law MUST become the Law of the Land and soon!! So, let's contact our State Legislator's and tell them we want this to happen.
At 2:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
I hate to be the one to oppose Jessica's Law, but I know too many situations where men were accused of child molesting by bitter ex-wives and bitter children trying to get even with their father. I have seen this first hand. I also know of situations where men in positions of authority are targets of revenge. circumstances must be taken into account when sentences are placed. Often it is just one's word against another. I feel that true molesters should receive harsh punishments, but we should be careful in saying "all or nothing". Personally I think Jessica's molester and murderer should die a very slow and painful death.
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mark Leno of California stated plainly on The O'relily factor that the possession or viewing of Child Pornography is not an offense in his opinion.
It is produced by victimization.
What are we allowing to grow in America.
Act today to save our childern tomorrow.
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
i support jessicas law
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I support this proposal for life with out parol. And say to the innocent who may be accused. Thank you for your sacrifice; it is worth it.
I think we should castrate too!
Though it may not solve the sickness, it will steer plenty offenders away.
At 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think a life sentence is enough, especially when you compare it to the cruel, heinous act they inflict on our children. The victims have to live with the hellish nightmare that someone had done for their sexual kicks.
I totally support life without parole.
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think a life sentence is enough, especially when you compare it to the cruel, heinous act they inflict on our children. The victims have to live with the hellish nightmare that someone had done for their sexual kicks.
I totally support life without parole.
At 12:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think you are all correct. Anyone convicted of a crime should have their entire life published on the Internet. Let's list every damn crime anyone ever committed! Seriously! Let's see it all! The slut hooker-bitch housewife who cheats on her husband...put the bitch on the internet...with pictures! The dirty-ass cop who steals drug money or loots houses in New Orleans...list his ass on the Internet! The scum sucking Judge who takes a bribe, the prosecutor caught with a prostitute, the Governor evading taxes, all the real scum in society...let's see their dirty laundry!! I'm ready! Every thief, every thug, every drug dealer, every slut, every lying politician...all of them! Put their asses on the Internet and let's track 'em with a GPS! Let me run free background checks on YOU! Let me run YOUR ASS thru the all about YOUR dirty little shit...make copies...pass it around to YOUR about YOUR ass at the Barber Shop...and the grocery store. Oh yeah...YOU dirty little son-of-a-bitch! Let's see YOUR arrest record, YOUR driving record, listen to YOUR phone calls, film YOU boppin the babaysitter! Gimmie some dirty shit to think YOUR dirty shit! Great idea! Any matter what...should be printed front page in every newspaper within 1000 miles...with pictures of "the Perp" (YOU) and a list of all of his/her (YOUR) nasty dirty liitle shit! Come on! Write the 'Pres" and tell him you want all your nasty little shit made public! Stand up...strap 'em on. Can't wait to read about YOU!!
At 6:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I believe that if pornography and all the sexual messages that are exploiting every person in the country through songs and television and advertising were to be controlled, we would not have such a problem with sexual predators to begin with. There is no control over who can access porn anymore. The sexual predator problem will continue to grow bigger the more sex is shoved down everybodies throat the way it is. I think it is rediculous that the media abuses sexuality the way it does and nothing is done about it because of the money that it makes no matter what the consequences are, and the media is protected under freedom of speech laws. That is a bunch of garbage. Anyone can access porn on the internet no matter what the age. Porn of any kind does not belong on the internet free to anyone and everyone. The morals of this society are turning into garbage, just turn on the TV or look at a magazine or any other form of media. This society is creating sexual predators. I do agree that they should be locked up forever, but in order to control this problem, it needs to be stopped at the roots, and that means not creating the sexual predator in the first place.
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe these scums should be given the same treatment they gave,let someone two or three times bigger than he/she is and make them suffer as they did their victims
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Frank D: I understand your intended kindness towards child molesters that can be rehabilitated--- BUT, I prefer to sacrifice the few for the good of thousands of innocent children. I ask you this: While we 'CLOSELY MONITOR' these past offenders, do you mind if they live next door or upstairs from your own children or grandchildren?????? Really, that is reality, they WILL be around children. Give them another chance??????????????? Like I said, I know YOU are probably a nice person but the risk is to great. LOCK EM UP AND KEEP THEM THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I,m Sorry but I Can't agree on punishing a First time Sex offende r like some one who dos e it over and over ag ain.Exspecialy if all they done was touch them inaporpery and never went any througher with them. And got Conseling for there bad behaver .You can't put them up there with some one who went ahead and had sex with the child.If thats the case then yes they need Punish ed.But punishing a first time sex offender just for touching.Is like lockin g up a Drun k even dole they weren' t driving but because they were Drinking will lock them up so they won't drive Drunk .Where dose it stop.If you lock one person up for life time.What about all the other people who breaks the law.You can't judge one crime over anothe r.A crime is a Crime. So any one who breaks the Law know matter what they've done should get the same punishment as what you want a sex offender to get.So any thing that you say or do that is wrong even if its moral or inmoral sho uldn't matter when sitting up a way to punish them for there wrong.A sex Offender should be treated as a Mentally ill person.And given the Medicen and Conseling they need. Not locked up some where and for gotten about.You should ask your self what would Jesus do if he was here .Do you thi nk he would put them some where and for get them.Know he try to help them like any one eles.Then if they wouldn't lissen then punish them .But by all means try to help them get better not put them away for ever.They deserve to have freedo m and life and Happyne ss just like any one eles.Jesus says not to Judge any one of there wrong doing if you are doing wrong your self.Were to love them that do wrong an d try to help them.And who's to say that they can't be helped with the right help and love.The Bible says were to love dose who do us wrong.And for give them of the sin just as God has forgiven you of your sin and wrong doing.So we shouldd leave any punishment up to God to deal with.And putting a Sex Offende r on a list for the hole wrold to see is agains their consatutional rights.How are they to have any life liberty and Happyness if there put on the Internet for the hole wrold to see and know who they are.So if your going to put a sex offender on a list for the rest of his or her life then any other Crimanall shoud be put on one for every one to see and know who they are.Its disscrimanation to put some on a list and not others.So I guess what I'm saying is that we shouldn't be ready to judge someone for there wrong doings with out know ing any thing about them or where they come from.So just leave it up to God to take care of.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
For the most recent post regarding letting God take care of the preditors: Yes, in the end, it is God who will pass the final judgement. However, I would rather risk upsetting the Lord by judging these horrific people and PREVENTING further attacks on children. How could you possibly advocate any chance of this? A child is a precious and innocent being....sexual abuse is not something that goes a way....a memory of this will last a lifetime and affect EVERY relationship this child will have, and will ALWAYS be a factor in his/her life. I personally believe the death penalty is not harsh enough for these monsters....and I am not a supporter of such a thing. But as a mother, I would personally go after ANYONE who even thought of going near my child in such an atrocious manner.
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
To locate registered sex offenders in your neighborhood and be informed of any movements go to or
In my state, these monsters can register with a PO Box--how is that considered a monitoring device. Also, the sentences are so erratic it is scary...One man got 15 years for ATTEMPT with one 13 year old, while another with 3 count of AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT with 7 & 8 year olds lives around the corner from me on paroll from a 7 year sentence...This does not make sense to me.....does it to anyone?
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I found out today that my father-in-law raped my wife and her sisters when she was six years old. He supposedly quit. Right... Today I also found out that he raped my daughter when she was eight. She is now about twenty-six. Finally, I learned that my sister-in-law's husband caught the bastard raping his daughter and reported him. Thank God! I hope that he is put away for good. Personally, I think that these monsters should have their penis and their arms cut off so that they can't hurt anyone ever again. I hope that there is a Hell, because our government will never give these pricks what they deserve!!!
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Another thing...
These monsters should have the words "CHILD RAPIST" branded on their foreheads so that anyone who sees them in the future would know just what they are.
At 7:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
First There are psychatrists that have worked with sex offenders there enire adult life say that rehabilitation does not work. Second even if it does work will that matter to the children he hurt or there families? I see all the time sex offenders sent to halfway house with nothing but probation (I work in law enforcment. I think child molestation is the worse crime that a person can commit. Why don't the politicians and judges seem to care aout the kids? I think its because those children don't vote. Those of us that do need to step and say this is what we want for our kids or we'll replace you with someone that will.We need to get active and do something about this.
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess we are treating our sex offenders like murders now?that nice...:/
At 6:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
so what if we do treat our child molesters like murders. They are just as sick. Child molesters don't get better. They just find another child to prey on until they finally get to the point where they kill a child. Why do we wait until they have killed. We already know if they are capable of hurting a child, then they are capable of doing anything. Child molesters do not get tough enough punishments. They should stay in prison.
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Convicted child molesters should be put away for life, on their first offense. They can not be rehabilitated. They are manipulative and do not care what they do, they ruin the innocence of children and families. I can not wait until Jessica's Law is passed in Penn. and all of the states, my son was molested and the creep lives around the corner, it has not gone to trial because my son is traumatized, the sex offenders have more rights than their victims, the laws must change. Because the authorities know and DA's know this man sexually abused my child, but they will do nothing until my son is able to talk. If this law is passed he will get a good 25 years. They will get what is coming to them, I hope all these molesters rot in hell.
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I completely agree that sex offenders should be put away life after their first offense however I don't feel that the justice system will ever allow for that. There is not enough tax payer money or jails to house all of the sex offenders out there. Again, I agree that these people should not be in our communities however think we need to come up with other solutions that will be more realistic in regards to our justice system...admit it our justice system SUCKS!!!
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would never support any act of any sex offenders however in working with children who were sexually abused as children they are the ones that grow up to be sex offenders. Sex offenders are not just born they are responding to their own abuse and trauma, and again I would never make excuses for them, but a large component is helping children identify when they have been offended and to work through that. Sex offenders are people(not just men either mind you) who were assaulted as children and did not get the help that they deserved as children, therefore they offend as adults. Yes there are some offenders who have fantasies about young children and those offenders are in a seperate category. So, if you know anyone who has been sexually abused as a child, they need to seek immediate help so as not to repeat the cycle of sexual assault.
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is a judge in the not so great state of Vermont that sentenced a repete child sex ofender to only TWO months. It doesnt make it right to abuse just because you were abused. I was abused by my father for many years... but i don't abuse children.
My only question is " what was this judge thinking. Why was he not out to help the children abused... is HE (the judge) a sex ofender himself? is that why he let this criminal off with only two months...for god sake he will be out in just a couple weeks with good time. Something has to be done. Please help STOP the abuse.
At 8:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
In 1993 I was convicted of Molesting a child I never met. I spent 6yrs in prison for this. I dont have 100s of victims, collect porn, etc. I never saw the child before a court room. I was even home with a friend and my wife when I supposedly touched this kid. Yet i was convicted anyway. Once a jury hears "child molester" its all over. For the rest of my life I have to pay for this crime I had no knowledge of. Now I am on the internet, listed, and will soon be driven from the home my grandfather built in the 1940s. It is my home, Ive never harmed anyone in my life and yet you sick lynch mob types wanna make it a crime to live. I can understand trying to protect kids, but dammit dont u stupid fkers understand any of you can be accused at any time for anything regardless of what you truely did. Welcome to america home of the fking stupid, paranoid, and judgemental. I personally hope all you stupid fks go through what i did. Then maybe you will understand that liberty in this country isnt run by a lynch mob with preset misconceptions (or at least shouldnt be)
At 2:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
I bet all of you would be screaming nigger and woulda kicked rose parks off the bus..
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
You say you didn't meet this child and didn't know the child before the court room.... well how did the child know you. You call us freaks... maybe you are the freak.. have you ever heard of DNA. there must have been some evidence or you wouldn't have been convicted. I was molested as a child by my father... and you think i am a freak... i wish you could be in my shoes... i wish my father had done to you what he did to me, then and only then would you know how we as you put it "FREAKS" feel. I only hope you don't have kids and never do, because if anything happened to them... you woiuld protect the dirty SOB that did it. it is people like you theat make me sick. know what if i am a freak... i'm happy to be one. Wake up and smell the coffee. I am sorry if you really didn't do anything to this child and your case would be a rare one... but that don't mean the laws shouldn't be really hard on people who hurt children in anyway. So you go ahead and call us all freaks... you are more of a freak then we are.
As for the nigger comment... i am white... a cracker what ever you want to call me, but i don't like the word nigger.... i have that are african color is nothing... its the person inside. so don't go throwing racial comments, it could hurt someones feelings.... and if you care about anyone but yourself thake them into concideration.
At 5:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Jessica's Law" is just an hysterical response to some bad judicial decisions. We already have plenty of laws on the books to deal with child sex offenders, all you have to do is use them. I am against Jessica's Law because it doesn't look at each case on its own merits. Some of these people are sick. They need treatment, not life immprisonment. Hell, if you are so hell bent on punishment of someone who doesn't know what he/she is doing, let's just get rid of the insanity defense and just execute them. Works for me. But you have to look at each case. Not every criminal should get a life sentence, especially not on the first offense. Geez, you guys remind me of a lynch mob.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
looking at each case... what are you thinking... if a person is sick enough to sexualy abuse a child they at to sick to be in population. if someone is sick enough to do that to a child once... the will do it again, i don't care how much so called help they get. they sit there and convince a dr. they are fixed... hell NO there is no fix to them. i say fry them all and let the devil sort them out.
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with Jessica's Law. Those offenders should never see the light of day. Children are innocent and beautiful and they deserve to be and feel safe in our society we live in. So please lock up these molesters, pedophiles and throw away the key. Dont let them have another chance to be free to harm and kill again.
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
God bless all the beautiful children who lives were taken from them by these monsters called molesters. May God bless their families with strength and peace to deal with their loss. These children are in a better place now where there is no more pain and no one can harm them no more and they have all of the glory of God's love surrounding them for all eternity. This message of condolence is to all families who have lost a child to these monsters. I pray for all of you. God bless and take care. If we all work together we can keep these monsters locked away for life so they can never hurt another child again. CHILDREN ARE BLESSINGS FROM GOD. WE NEED TO PROTECT THEM!
At 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
So, what do you do when you find out that your 5 year old son has been molested (thankfully not penetrated, but touched) by an older mentally impaired boy that is a friend of another mentally impaired child in the family (and his IQ is that of my 5 year old)? Should he be locked away forever or punishible by death? Obviously, there is some abuse going on his life for him to want to share his "game" with my son. As parents, we are appalled and devasted by what has happened, but we will make sure that our son gets what help he needs, but do we turn our backs on the needs of the young "perpertrator", label him and forget about it? If we prosecute, we drag our 5 year old through court, they would handcuff and throw the boy in jail (which in essence would be like handcuffing my 5 year old and putting him in jail). We can't ignore it and let the potential that he may do it to another child go, but he needs help, he needs his well being looked into also. Since he isn't able to take care of himself, the care he is receiving under his guardian needs to be reviewed. But with the court system there isn't an in between solution. Prosecute and don't worry about what happens to the boy, or ignore it knowing something is going on in his life and leave the potential for another child to get hurt. Got to love our society!
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
This mentality of grouping all people whose offenses are even remotely similar into one category has led to tyrannical governments in the past. Why don't we brand sex offenders or make them wear a "yellow star"? Do you think this will really help society? You're no better than Hitler. How logical is it to say that one person who happened to be a sex offender killed someone, so all sex offenders are likely to kill? Wake up! I'm a sex offender because I was naked on a beach when some underage girls saw me. I'm now being punished for life. I have a 3-year old son who I love very much and will do anything to protect him, but I don't think it's constitutional to punish people who are "likely" to commit a crime. Crime is a risk we take if we want to live in a free society. Stalin virtually got rid of crime in the Soviet Union, but at what price? You people are sick!!!
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
debt consolidation
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
debt consolidation
At 4:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
It amazes me that people are so vengeful and creative in the way they would handle a sex offender. I have seen many articles published by private individuals that are statements of incorrect facts and yet, we are gullible enough to bite the bait and believe whatever we read as fact. I have read that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated and will re-offend again without question. No hope for them in society in other words. Sounds good doesn’t it? But wait! It seems that the national crime statistics say differently. Can’t be by much huh? Well, it seems that within the first 3 years upon being released from prison there is a 5.3 % return rate among convicted sex offenders. What happen to the other 94.7% of them? Maybe a few more will offend again after that time period but it gets less and less as the years go by. Why is that? Just maybe, maybe they are doing what you, I and everyone else is doing and that is holding a job, living in a permanent home or apartment, paying taxes and most of all obeying the laws. It seems that the word sex offender is being used to widely and that we need to break down some of the areas in order to watch after those that need watching after. I spoke with police dept the other day and asked them if the registered sex offenders in my area were ones I should be worried about and their reply was that most if not all in some areas near by were law abiding citizens. Now wait a minute, before you go bashing me look at the facts. We hire the men and women in the law enforcement and trust them in the decisions that they have to make everyday. By us pass law after law towards one crime issue and perpetrators of it in a way we are sending a message to the law enforcement that we don’t trust their decisions anymore. Secondly, the current US statistics identify that only 5.3% of released sex offenders re-offend during the first 3 years, Thirdly, we may be setting ourselves up for future problems and situations. Remember the old saying, “Beat a dog long enough and he will bit”. Is this what we are doing? If we remove all hope of having some kind of normal life to the 94.7% that don’t re-offend then we will have created the very statistics we don’t want to have. There are also a lot of bitter divorces that have sent a lot of people to prison based on hearsay. If the evidence is clear on someone then proof such as DNA or like will present itself and remove any doubt. How would you fight it if someone accused you of say stealing something and you know that you didn’t. Now of course, you don’t have the item nor did you ever but now you have an accusation by someone that says you committed a crime. How do you prove you didn’t? Sound impossible, it isn’t and it happens every day to some people. A sex crime is a bad crime, there is no doubt but then any crime is a bad crime. My suggestion about passing more laws is to do your homework yourself and research the facts otherwise you will most likely be basing your decisions on gossip and that can only get us in trouble eventually. I will not base gossip over facts. I think that the amount of laws we currently have are working and the statistics prove that. You be the judge when voting comes around. Crime has been around century after century and will be long after we are gone. There is no way to erase a particular crime or perpetrator. There will always new perpetrators of all crimes. Education is the answer I believe. The more we learn about why crime is happening the more we will be able to responsibly deal with the situations that come about.
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've seen some of the comments on this page and good grief I wish some people would get their facts straight before talking. To all those people that are rambling about 18 or 19 year old boys being jailed for sleeping with their girlfriend: this law ONLY pertains to children under the heck can that possibly be consensual. It may be a scientific fact that some of these people can be rehabilitated. That said, there never is a perfect solution to anything and we must decide what's more important, a few people who can change not being locked up or risking our children.
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
my son was molested I just found out 7 months agao the sick man got 20 years but if we had jessicas law here in oregon he would have got 25 years I want to see these molesters put away they cant be Rehabilitated and the damage it has done to him kills me.
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jessica'a law has made the ballot in California's November 2006 election! Twice the number of signatures were gathered to meet the criteria. California is fed up!
Although California has the death penalty, there is always some issue getting in the way of carrying it out. If we had a one strike you're out, mandatory life in prison rule for sexually violent predators, we wouldn't have to deal with these initiatives every few years.
Cayenne Bird, a prisoner advocate believes is it unconstitutional to shackle a parolee. Assemblyman Mark Leno (San Francisco) who also happens to be chairman of the public safety committee believes possession of child pornography is OK.
What does animal control do with a violent animal that has bitten someone? They incarcerate them, then they release them into the wild or euthanize them. Why should it be any different with wild humans.
Rather than shackling perps with a discreet ankle bracelet we could always tatoo their forehead with the word "PEDOPHILE". Then there would be not doubt about who lives next door.
At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Jessica's family and friends; Your in my thoughts and prayers. I pray every night with my 5,2 and 1year old sons that all children my be watched over by angels. That they won't suffer any pain in there little lives.
For any man or women who creates pain to a child my they suffer the most in gods hands, May the law take this as a serious matter and never allow such scum on the streets. They should have to be in prison without medical attention, the bare minimum of food, never to be let out into socitity.
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree to strict punishment to sex offenders, but the problme is that some people abuse the law by making a claim agaisnt someone that didnt do anything, just the accusation of making a claim such as this can ruin a mans life, I woul dlike to comment that if you amke an accusation towards a person , and later it is found out =that the charge was out of malintentions, then the life in prison should be towards the accuser as well..this will make one think twice before falsely accusing someone and ruining their life.. think about it!
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
fuck that
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chicken Anonymous Blogs. What are you afraid of? Nice blogs but...
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have to understand who it is you are sending to prison for life, HUMAN BEINGS. Like it or not these are living, breathing, feeling, human beings. I admit crimes against children are terrible, but it is flat out ignorant of all of you to think that you can solve this or any problem by locking people up for good. These people, you fools call monsters, have been victims themselves, of either sex crimes, abuse, both physical and emotional and most suffer from some form of post trumatic stress disorder. These people are damaged themselves. I live on the same block as a registered offender, and not once over the last 2yrs has he once acted out or even acted creepy. He has a family a girlfriend and a 7yr old boy. He seems like a good father and wants nothing more than to put his past behind him and raise his child and possibly have another. People can change. These people are someones child, someones father, someones grandfather and almost 95% go on to NEVER offend again. If someone wants to steal from you they will, if they want to rape you,they will, if they want to kill you, they will. We have to care enough to help those in need and wake up. Locking people up and throwing away the key is no answer. My heart goes out to Jessicas family, I hope we as a society can work together to create a more realistic solution than what is proposed in Jessicas Law.
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have one question, where were the parents when most of these crimes happened. For those of you who say you don't feel comfortable leaving your kids alone without supervision, YOU SHOULDN'T, THEY ARE KIDS!!!!!!!!
At 12:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Not everyone is guilty. I have a friend with a son, who had a relationship with a 13 year old, who served time in prison and is now considered a rapist because he has a sex crime. Nobody knows the story surrounding his "sex crime". They treat all the rapist, molesters and sex offenders the same without knowing the facts. There are a chosen few who truly did not commit a "sex crime, but wear the jacket. Wear it for the rest of their lives. Its not right. He didn't do anything wrong. Nobody has come forward saying he has, either. It's all on the D.A. taking a relationship between two teenagers way out of proportion that takes my friend to prison and ruins the rest of his life.
At 7:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I belive that these sex offenders should never be let lose and if they have children of their own then they should have their rights automatically terminated from them
At 11:29 AM,
Marcia said…
These people can never be cured. ALL states must have same law to prevent sexual predator's from moving from state to state
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I supprot the Jessica,s law and would like to see all child abusers of any kind put behind bars to be there forever with daily hard labor for punishemnt. Don't let them just sit around and do nothing, put them to work, here in Maine like they do in all the other states. Let them earn their keep!
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last week, they found an 11 yr old boy that had been missing from the baltimore area for 11 days dead on a golf course near his home. They arrested a TWICE convicted sex offender. When my 5 yr old started school my husband made me look up the registered sex offenders in a 5 mile radius of her schoo... there were over 100. This frightens me, and I firmly believe that all of these people should be locked up forever. Who cares about overcrowding? Build new facilities, and give decent hard working americans jobs.
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last week, they found an 11 yr old boy that had been missing from the baltimore area for 11 days dead on a golf course near his home. They arrested a TWICE convicted sex offender. When my 5 yr old started school my husband made me look up the registered sex offenders in a 5 mile radius of her schoo... there were over 100. This frightens me, and I firmly believe that all of these people should be locked up forever. Who cares about overcrowding? Build new facilities, and give decent hard working americans jobs.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
The reason/reasons I feel I needed to reply to this post is because:
ONE: I have not read anyone talk about this from the "VICTIM" point of view. Well, I was sexually abused as a child. Not from one or two person.... FIVE! All but one was a family member. I did report it to my parents and others as well... do you know what I was told? I was told it wasnt true and not to say such things because it would cause problems within the family. The first time I remember I think I was around the age of 5 or 6 and the last time I was 16.
Yes, I had a hard time with all this AT FIRST. What did I do about it back then? I avoided these men at all cost. I made sure I was NEVER alone in an area that I could be alone. I also talked.... I talked to EVERYONE. I got my feelings of anger and hurt and anything else OUT. I told everyone the names of these people and I made sure that I always told the truth so that nobody could ever make me feel bad or guilty about what happened.
When I was older and able to do things to help myself, I went to counseling and talked about it but, do you know what was different by this point? Do you know what confused me more then anything? You will never guess.... I was NOT angry at these men anymore. I couldnt understand that because everyone said I should be... they said that I should hate them and wish the most evils upon them... but, I didnt! Can you guess why??? I doubt you can.
I will tell you why; Because I let it go and let MY higher power take over. Yes... that sounds like a 12 step comment. It works!! I feel GREAT about myself. I am proud that I educated MYSELF. I dont need medication and I dont carry around a burdon about an issue that I refuse to allow to ruin the rest of my life. I am a strong women and refuse to allow society tell my how I "should" feel when I know how I "really" feel.
The second reason I felt I needed to post. I am married to someone who is a registered sex offender. This is not my first husband. My first husband was never in any legal trouble. He grew up in a strong Catholic family. Went to college and owened a business that I helped him start. We had everything. We had a beautiful house in the mountains with a lot of land. We built a brand new house that was really too big for our family but, we could afford to do it and thats what we wanted. We had more cars then we needed. We had horses and a pool. You name it, we had it. Well then, what happened??
He started doing drugs. One day our oldest son found his drugs and his father BEAT him. Almost killed him. His father was never like this before. My husband and I got into a fight and he left the house and moved in with his mom. After he promised to get help, he ran off with some girl. Since then, he still does his drugs and has beat our son several more times when he had him for his COURT ORDERED visists. YES.... I did report all the abuse to the police. YES, I did take my son to the ER and have it all documented. MONEY ALWAYS TALKED and my EX was NEVER charged. It would have ruined his reputation. I would like to add that my once very healthy son has been through over 32 operations on his right leg alone and will be in a wheelchair the r est of his life, all thanks to his father... and I couldnt even get a protection from abuse order!
Well, one day I was web surfing and found a prison pen pal site. Looking through the ads I found someone and wrote to him. That was the best thing that's ever happened in my life!! At the time I didnt know his crime. That was the best part... I liked this person as my friend. In our very first letter we made a promise to each other to always tell the truth even it is wasnt pleasent. To this day we still go by that rule.
Yes, I said to this day.... He's been out of prison for some time now and my life with his is better then any I have ever known! The love this man shows me and my children is outstanding! He's the perfect men to me. He does not drink, do drugs INCLUDING smoking, and he's NEVER abused us in any way... NEVER!
The problems we face since he's been home... SOCIETY! That FORSAKEN registery! It serves NO PURPOSE other then to have people running around playing the "good guy" and getting all freaked out about something that with a little more attention to their own children could be avoided.
This site has caused so many problems for us... all of us. MY house that I worked hard to buy and pay for after my divorce has had bricks thrown through the windows, just missing my children. I've had someone spray paint the outside of my house with words of hate. My house was broken into and a knife held to my oldest sons neck because this person thought it was my husband!!! This is what the web site has done!!! I'm so "GLAD" it was designed to "PROTECT" the innocent and the "VICTIMS"...... HA... BULL!
MY husband NEVER harmed a child... NEVER. His crime was rape... of an adult. At the time he was young... not even out of his teens. He was high on drugs and so messed up. Not that I am making an excuse for him... there is no need to make excuses... its the TRUTH! He was also the victim of sexual abuse. Guess who did it to him...... HIS COUNSELOR (female)IN A STATE RUN FACILITY! He was only 12 years old! Other staff memebers knew about it and did NOTHING to stop her! Instead they punished him. Again, Im so "GLAD" society was there to "PROTECT" him.
I am sorry this is such a long post but, I have once again told the truth. I have to hurry and close this post before I am late for work but, I wanted to show you that things arent always as cut and dry as they seem to be. Sometimes its easier to go with the flow of society then it is to think for yourself. Look deep down within yourself, Im sure at some point in time you, yourself have done something that others around you would think negative about. It doesnt have to be a legal crime... just something that others would not approve of... we have all done things like that.
I am NOT a religious person to the extreme but, I do believe in my higher power. I do believe that as a normal human with faults of my own that I have no right to condem another person. I have no right to judge them and ruin or take away their life. If I could do that.... if I had that "right" then I guess judgement day must have come and I am the "higher power"! I dont think thats true.... and I also dont think that ANYONE else has become the almighty! So, until that day comes we are all created EQUAL... even with our faults.
Im sure Im going to get some nasty reply to this... thats ok. If it makes you feel better go for it. Just remember, speak the truth otherwise.... well, you know what I was going to say. :-)
Another thing.... BIG DIFFERENCE between a sex offender, child molester and a SVP.... I would suggest before people speak out on a subject, they educate themselves first.
As people we are all different... diversity. I can understand that some people look down on a sex offender but, that is NOT what you were talking about and that is NOT what happened to you. The person or persons who did that to you was a CHILD MOLESTER.
I am not here to argue with anyone. I have my rights to my feelings and beliefs just as anyone else does. All I ask of EVERYONE is please educate yourself about this and any topic before you talk about it.
Just as some of you feel strongly that ALL SEX OFFENDERS are equal... and should be... oh I dont know.. I guess KILLED.... I feel just as strongly that your wrong and without a doubt in my mind they should NOT be killed. I do not believe in killing ANYONE because I am not "GOD".... and guess what, your not "GOD"... so dont pass that type of a judgement.
I know some of you would not agree with what I said... and I'm fine with it. Its a fact of life. All I am saying is dont bash others for speaking out on what they believe.
I am very active in my fight to abolish this Megans Law website. It has no business being open to the public. It is strickly a police matter and to have it open to the public puts more people at a safety risk then it does to protect anyone.
Go on bash me for this one... but, all too often I see young children walking to and from school unattended. WRONG ANSWER MOM AND DAD.... You can take the time to walk them or ask another mom or dad in the neighborhood who does take that time... even hire someone if you must... where there is a will, there is a way. You put your money in a bank for safe keeping instead of letting sit in an envelope in your mail box or front yard, so why would you allow your most cherish possession; your child to go out on the streets alone? If you light a fire such as a candle, you blow it out before you leave or go to sleep... why? To prevent a fire. A fire that could kill you... its called PREVENTION. Just something to think about.
I am NOT saying that its always the parents fault... its NOT! Im just saying if you know this danger is out there, take the steps needed to prevent anything from happening.
I guess if we are going to post a site with pictures, address and other information about people perhaps it should be all crimes across the board... IMAGINE:
Your a single women. Your dating and you go on line... or better yet, you meet him at the local grocery store... he seems nice, good looking, well dressed. So why not? You go out on a date with him and he's "MR.WONDERFUL", so you marry him a few months later... then it begins to show. He gets angry if you are late cooking supper or you didnt dust "correctly"... so, he beats the daylights out of you.. Later, you find out... he has a history of this and has even had jail time for murder... or attempted murder.
Let's say your a new parent. You do all the right things during your pregnancy, you have a beautiful healthy baby. You have the best care seat money can buy. When you leave the hosital the nurse makes sure you put the baby in correctly and you set out on your way home. Out of nowhere a car smashs into your car. Perhaps it rolls, perhaps it catches on fire. You struggle to free the child from the safety seat but, the belt is jammed. You cant free the baby.... it dies. The person who hit you has a history of DUI's a mile long.
You own a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood. You worked so hard to buy it and fix it up so you could enjoy it and show it to your family and friends. One day your next door neighbor moves out, or passed away. A new family buy's it. They are LOUD, DIRTY, and all night long people in and out. You have beer bottles and needles all over the yard... you call the police on a regular basis... one night while your sitting in your livingroom watching TV you hear fighting and next thing you know a gun is fired and a bullet comes into your house, perhaps killing one of your family members. OR, you descover your child was given drugs from this person.
Wouldnt it be nice to have a web site addressing all crimes so we could protect ourselves from all criminals?
I know... really nasty... and way too detailed... true... but, reality is... this happens EVERY DAY... and the chances of this happening is far greater then a CHILD MOLESTER grabbing your child if you are taking the proper steps to ensure safety.
Boy oh boy amd I gonna get bashed for this post... oh well, freedom of speech... its a wonderful thing!
I seriously do have to ask this question: With the people now trying to limit the number of sex offenders who live in an area... where do you suggest they live? How are they going to live? Are you willing to support them... and their family? You dont have the right to say "KILL THEM"... for then you are a murderer. Im just curious.
I know I cant change the world but, being the type of person I am... I do hope that I can make the world a better place for all. Yes, that also means for someone who has broken the law. Including me... I got my very first speeding ticket a few weeks ago.... I broke the law.
Say and think what you will... your no better. And as far as sins... we were all born in sin... so your doomed from the start.
I live in the state of Pennsylvania. If anyone else would like to help me get our voice heard please let me know. I have promised myself and my husband that I will do the best that I can to help others in this situation.
Im sure we all agree that what happens to children of sexual crimes is awful and yes, does need to be stopped. However, the way things are being done now will not stop the problem it will only make things worse.
I do feel more qualified to speak out on this topic then most people do because of what I went through. The men who molested me were NOT strangers. All but one was a family member but, all were trusted and respected. Two of them were and still are well respected and active in our church! Imagine that!
I will not call myself a "VICTIM"... I'm not... I am what you call a "SURVIVOR".
Sorry this was such a long post.
At 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jessicas Law will create MORE jessicas, more murdered children.
WHY? because if the person will get the same penalty for killing a child as for molesting, his chances of not getting caught are better without a victims testimony.
thats the EXACT reason, jessica was killed, to hide the molestation.
plus since 85% of molestation is done by Fathers, brothers, uncles, mothers, and close family friends, who wants to destroy thier family for 25 to life? people will stop calling the cops.
as for being un-rehabilitatable, the only method used to rehabilitate is prison, and everyone knows, prison rehabilitates NOONE.
Sick people need help, not to be thrown away.
WWJD, Jesus always helped those who were in a bad way. He wouldnt condemn a person for being warped, unless they loved satan.
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why wont Jessicas law work ?
heres the fact page of californias Attorney General. it explains exactly why jessicas law is a political stunt
Megan's Law - Facts about Sex Offenders
Let us see how much we know-and see how much of what we think has been based on the myths we have all heard about sexual assault and sex offenders. Take 5 minutes to complete the True or False Quiz:
Most men who commit sexual offenses do not know their victim.
False. 90% of child victims know their offender, with almost half of the offenders being a family member. Of sexual assaults against people age 12 and up, approximately 80% of the victims know the offender.
Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim.
True. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim. An exception to this is that people who commit sexual assault against Native Americans are usually not Native American (American Indians and Crime, 1999).
Most child sexual abusers use physical force or threat to gain compliance from their victims.
False. In the majority of cases, abusers gain access to their victims through deception and enticement, seldom using force. Abuse typically occurs within a long-term, ongoing relationship between the offender and victim and escalates over time.
Most child sexual abusers find their victims by frequenting such places as schoolyards and playgrounds.
False. Most child sexual abusers offend against children whom they know and with whom they have established a relationship. Many sexual assaults of adult women are considered "confidence rapes," in that the offender knows the victim and has used that familiarity to gain access to her.
Only men commit sexual assault.
False. While most sex offenders are male, sometimes sex offenses are committed by female offenders.
Child sexual abusers are only attracted to children and are not capable of appropriate sexual relationships.
False. While there is a small subset of child sexual abusers who are exclusively attracted to children, the majority of the individuals who sexually abuse children are (or have previously been) attracted to adults.
Victims of sexual assault are harmed only when offenders use force.
False. More than any physical injuries the victim sustains, the violation of trust that accompanies most sexual assaults has been shown to dramatically increase the level of trauma the victim suffers. Emotional and psychological injuries cause harm that can last much longer than physical wounds.
If a child does not tell anyone about the abuse, it is because he or she must have consented to it.
False. Children often do not tell for a variety of reasons including the offender's threats to hurt or kill someone the victim loves, as well as shame, embarrassment, wanting to protect the offender, feelings for the offender, fear of being held responsible or being punished, fear of being disbelieved, and fear of losing the offender who may be very important to the child or the child's family.
It is common for both child and adult victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone about the abuse.
True. It is common for victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone. When the person was assaulted as a child, he or she may wait years or decades. The reasons for this are numerous: victims may want to deny the fact that someone they trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put it behind them; they may believe the myth that they caused the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will react to the truth.
If someone sexually assaults an adult, he will not target children as victims, and if someone sexually assaults a child, he will not target adults.
False. Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that while some sex offenders choose only one type of victim (e.g., prepubescent girls, post-pubescent boys, adult women, etc.), others prey on different types of victims. Therefore, no assumptions should be made about an offender's victim preference and precautions should be taken regardless of his crime of conviction.
It helps the victim to talk about the abuse.
True. The victim's recovery will be enhanced if she or he feels believed, supported, protected, and receives counseling following the disclosure that s/he was assaulted. However, sexual assault victims should always have the choice about when, with whom, and under what conditions they wish to discuss their experiences.
Sexual gratification is often not a primary motivation for a rape offender.
True. While some offenders do seek sexual gratification from the act, sexual gratification is often not a primary motivation for a rape offender. Power, control, and anger are more likely to be the primary motivators.
Offenders could stop their sexually violent behavior on their own if they wanted to.
False. Wanting to change is usually not enough to be able to change the patterns that lead to sexual offenses. To create the motivation to change, some offenders need a variety of treatment and corrective interventions, and for others learning how to make the change in their own behavioral cycle of abuse is more effective.
Men who rape do so because they cannot find a consenting sexual partner.
False. Studies suggest that most rape offenders are married or in consenting relationships.
Drugs and alcohol cause sexual offenses to occur.
False. While drugs and alcohol are often involved in sexual assaults, drugs and alcohol do not cause sexual offenses to occur. Rather, drug and alcohol use may be a disinhibitor for the offender, while being under the influence may increase a potential victim's vulnerability.
Victims of sexual assault often share some blame for the assault.
False. Adult and child victims of sexual abuse are never to blame for the assault, regardless of their behavior. Because of the age difference, children are unable to legally consent to sexual acts. They are often made to feel like willing participants, which further contributes to their shame and guilt.
If a victim does not say "no" or does not "fight back," it is not sexual assault.
False. Sexual assault victims may not say "no" or not fight back for a variety of reasons including fear and confusion. Rape victims often report being "frozen" by fear during the assault, making them unable to fight back; other victims may not actively resist for fear of angering the assailant and causing him to use more force in the assault. Pressure to be liked and not be talked about negatively by a peer will sometimes cause adolescents or children to avoid fighting back or actively resisting.
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Adult rape and the sexual abuse of a child are horrible, inexcusable crimes. No one in their right mind would argue this fact.The victims of sex crimes deserve our compassion, sympathy, and full support. We of Californians Against Jessica's Law (CAJL) would never wish to add to the anguish, tragedy, and harm true victims have endured. However; in the last three decades the hysteria over sex crimes, both real and fabricated, has become political and huge profits are being made off of the detection. apprehension, prosecution, defense, incarceration, supervision, control, and treatment of the sex offender and those wrongly convicted. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, as it is now known, is a multi-million dollar industry in California. With these kinds of profits to be made, The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, has caught tens of thousands of innocent men and women in It's ever widening web who now must endure the life-long Scarlet Letter of being a convicted sex offender. 63,000+ Californians are now required by law to register with the police as convicted sex offenders and this number continues to grow daily with no end in sight. These tens of thousands must also submit to sex offender community notification that plasters their faces, descriptions, and other personal information all over the internet warning their communities of their presence. Numerous studies have indicated that these internet postings do little to protect the public from true sexual predators. What California's sex offender notification websites does do is create unnecessary fear in the community, mistrust, and promotes violence. Murder, brutal attacks, and other forms of violence has been directed at those unfortunate enough to appear on CA's sex offender web sites. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare is about to get alot more nightmarish for the 63,000+ registered sex offenders,both the innocent and guilty, and their families if Jessica's Law is passed by voters on November 7th, 2006. Jessica's Law is an ill conceived and mean-spirited scheme, but highly profitable to a select few, that will force all registered sex offenders in California to wear GPS Tracking Shackles on their ankles 24 hours a day for the rest of their life's. A life-long sentence of having their every move tracked by GPS with freedom only coming with death. If anyone refuses to wear these degrading, all intrusive GPS Tracking Shackles for the rest of their lives he or she will be charged with a felony and sent to prison. In some cases, given a life sentence. Absolute nightmares do not get any worse. The harm done if Jessica's Law passes will be immeasurable. Please vote NO on Jessica's Law and help stop this future nightmare. Help spread the news about Californians Against Jessica's Law and the truth about Jessica's Law.
In the United States and especially in California, The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has been raging for over 30 years now. The War on Sex Offenders hysteria has produced untold misery and the causalities in this profit-driven and revenge-driven "war" has been enormous. At no time in history has it been easier to falsely accuse someone of a sex crime, have them wrongly convicted, and then unjustly sent to prison. No one is considered innocent once accused of a sex crime and no evidence of any wrongdoing is needed nor is any motive in the allegation questioned. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare makes The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism look like child's play. Why would anyone falsely accuse someone of a sex crime? There are many motives to make a false allegation.
* To file an unjust lawsuit
* For attention
* For revenge
* To pay back a former lover or spouse
* Jealousy
* During child custody battles
* Mental and emotion illness
* Extortion
* During divorce proceedings
* And the list goes on
Our so-called justice system, law enforcement, prison construction profiteers, radical feminists, crooked politicians, conviction hungry prosecutors, and others say that to even question an allegation of a sex crime is a crime itself, no matter how obviously untrue or ridiculous. Finding the truth in sex crime accusations or even if a sex crime was committed is not the goal any longer. Gaining convictions, filling prison beds, and keeping the justice system machine well fed is. Studies show and experts agree that over 50% of all rape allegations reported to the police are untrue and the percentage of child abuse hoaxes are even higher. This is not "blaming the victim". These are documented facts. Can you think of a worse nightmare than being falsely accused of a sex crime, being wrongly convicted, unjustly sent to prison, losing your reputation forever, losing everything you own, and when you are finally released from prison you are told because of Jessica's Law you will be forced to wear a GPS Tracking Shackle for the rest of your life or be sent back to prison. In a lot of cases, those who are now forced to register with police as convicted sex offenders committed their crime 20, 30, 40, or more years ago and never reoffended or were totally innocent in the first place. What exactly will forcing these harmless individuals wear GPS Tracking Shackles for the rest of their life's really accomplish? Horror stories do not get any more nightmarish. Please join Californians Against Jessica's Law (CAJL) and help combat this upcoming new law. Please vote NO on Jessica's Law on November 7th, 2006 and help stop this senseless madness. Spread the news about truth behind Jessica's Law.
Those who profit off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare - corrupt district attorneys, sleazy politicians, the CA prison guard union, the makers of the GPS Tracking Shackles, and others, would have California voters believe that hordes of drooling child molesters are waiting at the gates of every grammar school and playground in California ready to snatch the first child they see. That behind every bush lurks a serial rapist ready to attack any woman who dares ventures out alone in California. It is a wonder any child makes it home safely in this state as they race home from school thru a literal gauntlet of salivating sexual perverts that prowl every street in California these days. They are promoting a Culture of Fear for their own selfish motives. Propaganda, scare tactics, and fear mongering do not get any more insidious. They also want the voting public to believe that so-called sex offenders have far too many rights once accused which makes it nearly impossible to convict them. When these horrid sex offenders somehow get convicted, which they claim is rare, that they get minimal prison time and are sent to some country club lock-up. The exact opposite is true. Sex crimes are the easiest to get a conviction, those convicted are given long prison terms, and those convicted are brutalized and even murdered in prison. Those who stand to profit the most off of Jessica's Law will use any over-inflated statistic, sensationalism, bogus studies, fear mongering, propaganda, and outright lies to scare the voting public into supporting their future money maker- Jessica's Law. According to the Sex Crime Witch Hunters only with more laws, more police, more prisons, more restrictions, and less civil rights will California's children be safe from the unrestrained army of child molesters hiding around every corner in California. The Jessica's Law profiteers also claim that only they can save our kids and only they really care about their safety. All voters and taxpayers have to do is support and pay for any outrageous, ineffective, and vengeful scheme they can dream up. Remember, It's for the kids! Now pay up! The sad truth is that those who profit off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare do not care about our children or the true victims of sexual abuse. All they care about is expanding their power, expanding their control, and of course expanding their bank accounts. Do not believe their lies or their propaganda! Vote NO on Jessica's Law!
Just who are The Sex Crime Witch Hunters and who profits the most off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare and will profit the most if Jessica's Law passes:
* GPS Tracking Shackle Manufacturers- If Jessica's Law passes come November 7th, 2006 the makers and stock holders of GPS Tracking Shackles will become instant, overnight millionaires. No wonder they want Jessica's Law to pass so badly. We wonder how many in law enforcement and D.A.'s offices own stock in GPS Tracking Shackles and plan to make a killing in November 2006? Studies indicate that the yearly cost to implement, maintain, and run the Jessica's Law scheme/scam will be well over 200,000,000 dollars a year. Don't worry. It's only taxpayer money. These tax dollars to fund this scheme will no doubt come from education funding for our children or services for the poor. Jessica's Law sure won't protect the public, but it's going to make some officials, their business partners, and their cohorts stinking rich. All thanks to California taxpayers.
* Prosecutors- Everyone hates the sex offender and loves the brave district attorney who punishes them. D. A.'s love accusations of sex crimes. No other crime is easier to convict and generates more publicity. There is no defense once an allegation is made. Sex crime convictions are a slam dunk for over zealous persecutors. The more sex crime conviction notches on their gun belts they can show voters come election time, the better. They must show voters they alone are tough on sex offenders. Convictions, convictions, convictions is all that matters to persecutors,especially when it comes to sex crimes. The truth, justice, or decency plays no part to the new breed of persecutors in the U.S. All they care about is their position and of course money.
* California's Prison Industry- The CA prison guard union is the most powerful union in California's history. It's hunger for fresh, warm bodies to fill their prison beds and justify their existence is insatiable. Sex offenders are just another commodity to them. The CA prison system is the largest state prison system in the world with no end in sight. 170,000+ souls now inhabit CA prison warehouses. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has been very, very good for the CA prison industry. One of their biggest money makers that will only continue to feed It more and more fresh bodies.
* Special Sex Crime Units- With The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare going full steam almost every city in California has a special sex crime unit, even if it is unneeded. If sex crimes were not out of control and sex offenders were not lurking everywhere these special sex crime units would not need to exist and the high paying jobs would not be justified. Follow the money to find the true motives for law enforcement's War on Sex Offenders.
* Corporate Media's- Sex sells and crime sells, combine the two, sex crimes, and you have a run away best seller. Corporate media's have spread The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare across the U.S. like a virus. It makes little difference to them that sex crimes are not epidemic in this country, that sex offenders are not falling out of trees, and 99.9 % of men would not commit a sex crime. As long as It sells, It's "news". The truth has nothing to do with how the corporate media's report on sexual abuse. Do you think they really care that they have been spreading undo fear, mistrust, promoting the Culture of Fear in our communities with their promotion of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare? To them the dollar speaks louder than the truth.
* Victims Rights/Revenge Groups- Some victims rights/revenge groups have gone totally overboard in their efforts to seek revenge on offenders, especially so-called sex offenders. Some of these groups have become the pawns of California's powerful and corrupt prison guard union who make huge profits by putting more and more California citizens in prison. These victim rights/revenge groups are funded by the CA prison guard union to be their mouth pieces to promote prison expansion to CA's media's. As long as these victim rights/revenge groups continue to be the puppets to the CA prison guard union they will continue to receive their blood money.
* Sex Offender Treatment Providers- Sex offenders are the bread and butter to the sex offender treatment industry. No sex offenders? No big house in the hills. No college for the kids. No big bank accounts. Of course they are going to promote The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare. Every sex offender on parole must submit to sex offender treatment, needed or not. It's nothing personal, just business, a multi-million dollar business in California.
*The Man-Hating Feminist Movement- A small, but well organized, minority of radical, man-hating, so-called feminists have totally taken over the mainstream feminist movement. To them, all men are not only pigs, but also rapists and child molesters. Fathers are especially hated by this group. Every man deserves to be punished. The more men in prison the better. The corporate media's accepts all their hate-filled rhetoric and propaganda without question.
*Parole Officers- Parole alone is a billion dollar a year waste of taxpayer money in California. After the prison industry is done feeding off of offenders, the CA state parole offices get their turn to make money off them. Sex offenders are pure profit for them. They are the easiest to recycle back to prison because everyone despises them anyway. Parole officers are some of the highest paid employees of the Dept. of Corrections. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare is just job security for them and money in the bank.
Why should we stop at internet postings and GPS Tracking Shackles for the 63,000+ registered sex offenders in California? No life-long Scarlet Letter is too harsh, too restrictive, too abusive, or too nightmarish for them! Why don't we-
* Force them to get "DANGER! SEX OFFENDER" tattooed on their foreheads.
* Force them to wear glow-in-the-dark clothing for easy identification at night.
* Force them to live on islands under 24 hour a day video surveillance.
* Force them to have GPS Tracking Devices implanted under their skin or drilled into their teeth.
* Force them to place giant billboards on their front lawns warning their neighbors of their evil presence.
* Force them to publicly denounce their access to human rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights.
* Force them to get sterilized because they will no doubt attack their own children.
* Force them to get both arms amputated and legs too while we're at it.
Or better yet, why don't we just shoot anyone in the head that is accused of a sex crime? No trial is necessary. They are all guilty anyway. Well maybe shooting them in the head immediately after any allegation of a sex crime is not the answer. Not because it would be insane to do, but because those who profit off The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare would lose a lot of votes, would lose money, and lose control if those accused were executed on the spot. Much better to just continue to ruin the life's of the 63,000+ registered sex offenders in CA and ruin the life's of their families too. Alot more profitable that way. More money in the bank, more votes in the ballot box, and life-long job security.
The makers of GPS Tracking Shackles will profit the most tax payer monies if Jessica's Law passes on November 7th, 2006. The stock holders who own shares of stock will make profits in the tens of millions per year. All at tax payer expense of course. They will become millionaires literally over night thanks to Jessica's Law. You can believe the makers of these horrible devices, those who will be maintaining them, and those who will be monitoring them, will be laughing all the way to the bank come November 2006 if Jessica's Law passes. The makers of these modern day, barbaric shackles know that GPS tracking of sex offenders is only the beginning. If Jessica's Law passes it will no doubt mutate in a couple years to laws that force all parolees to wear these shackles, then all ex-felons, maybe deadbeat dads, then immigrant guest workers, people on welfare, and/or anyone one else The State deems worthy of tracking their every movement. Like the prison industry now in California, the GPS Tracking Shackles industry will become a growing multi-billion dollar industry soon. Also like the prison industry it will mostly target the poor, uneducated, those without power, people of color, and anyone else The State deems undesirable. Jessica's Law is just the first stage. Everyone despises the sex offender, guilty or not, and they deserve no rights anyway. No one will augue against Jessica's Law and then expanding It to other undesirables. We wonder if the politicians and persecutors screaming the loudest to get Jessica's Law passed actually own stock in the makers of GPS Tracking Shackles or will receive a healthy "donation" once Jessica's Law is approved by voters.
There are over 63,000+ registered sex offenders in CA. Experts predict that it will cost tax payers $10 a day to fully implement Jessica's Law. This includes the cost of the GPS Tracking Shackle itself, the costs to maintain them, the costs to repair them, and the tremendous costs to monitor all 63,000+ of them 24 hours a day. At $10 a day for 63,000+ it will cost taxpayers well over $230,000,000 a year for the Jessica's Law scheme. That is the low figure. Others say it will cost a lot more. Where exactly will over a 1/4 billion dollars of taxpayer monies a year come from to keep this scam going every year? Should we raise taxes? Take it from services for the elderly? Take it from educating our kids? How about taking food out of the mouths of the poor and children to pay for Jessica's Law scam of the century. Crooked politicians and corrupt district attorneys tell us that no amount of money is enough to "save our kids" from the unrestrained legions of child molesters that inhabit every street in California. That only with GPS Tracking Shackles on everyone who has ever been convicted of a sex crime will our children truely be safe. Of course a large percentage of taxpayer funds redirected toward the Jessica's Law scam will go directly into the pockets of those who are advocating the passage of Jessica's Law the loudest and into the pockets of their friends and business partners. As with all aspects of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, follow the money, to find the true reasons for Jessica's Law. It's sure not about public safety. It's about further robbing California taxpayers. Don't let your taxpayer dollars go to waste just so a few Fat Cats can stuff their pockets with you tax dollars. Vote NO on Jessica's Law come November 7th, 2006 and send these bastards a message.
The life's of the 63,000+ registered sex offenders, the guilty, as well as the innocent, is a pretty pathetic and marginal existence already. They are the lowest of the low. The dregs of society with no hope of redemption and easy targets for vigilantes. It does not matter if you were caught up in The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare and are totally innocent. If you were wrongly convicted you still pay the same price as that of a serial child molester. You life is worthless in today's society which views you as vermin. A never ending nightmare for those wrongly convicted. Most sex offenders are unable to find proper housing or find jobs due to their status. Alot of sex offenders wind up homeless. A large number choose suicide finding life so unbearable due to the restrictions and ever changing laws that set them up for failure. After release from prison sex offenders are placed under the highest level of parole . One minor false move and they are immediately sent back to prison. All sex offenders in California are forced to register with police and must submit to internet notification postings that warn their neighbors of their presence. Numeous studies and experts agree that these internet postings do little to protect the public while it totally destroys the privacy rights of those highlighted on them and makes it impossible for them to ever return to society. Another thing these sex offender internet notification postings do is promote crime and vigilantes. After appearing on these websites those forced to submit to them and their families have been attacked, beaten, robbed, and even murdered. It's a deadly Catch-22 for those who find themselfs branded with the Scarlet Letter of a convicted sex offender. Refuse to submit to appear on a sex offender notification website and be charged with a felony or go on The State's revenge seeking websites and risk having yourself or family members attacked or even murdered. Either way, a person branded a sex offender is marked for victimization for the rest of their life's. They are not the only one's who suffer a life-long sentence of humiliation, degradation, and zero privacy. Their family members suffer right along with them. Will The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare ever end? Please vote NO on Jessica's Law on November 7th, 2006 and stop one aspect of the living hell 63,000+ Californians and their families face daily.
Another part of Jessica's Law in California will make 2000 feet (almost a 1/2 mile) around areas where kids may be present so-called "predator free zones" off limits to those on CA's sex offender registers. Those who advocate Jessica's Law use the typical scare tactics and propaganda telling voters that their children will only be safe if we implement "predator free zones" around our schools, parks, and daycares. Any so-called sex offender living within the 2000 feet limit of Jessica's Law will be forced to move immediately or be arrested. People who have lived in their homes 20, 30, 40, or more years without any trouble will be forced to move or go to jail. Where will they all move to? Within California cities few areas are not a 1/2 mile from schools, parks, and daycares. In states that have already enacted Jessica's Law 90 % or more of "sex offenders" were forced, with threats of arrest, to find a new place to live. Most of those evicted became homeless, along with their spouses and children who also suddenly found themselves driven from their homes. Jessica's Law 2000 foot so-called "predator free zones" will do nothing for public safety and only generate more fear and mistrust. It will however break up families, cause incredible harm, and waste police time as they make sure the 2000 foot limit is adhered to. "Sex offenders" who have for years followed the requirement to register will be forced to go on the run and live "underground" because they and their families are unable to find housing because everywhere is within 1/2 a mile of schools, parks, and daycares. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has found It's best ally, Jessica's Law, that will force tens of thousands of Californians to become homeless.
The life's of the registered sex offender, guilty or innocent, does not appear that it could get worse. Now comes Jessica's Law that will not only cost CA taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars wasted a year, but like the internet postings, do little to protect the public. What Jessica's Law will do is further stigmatize, punish, and ostracize not only registered sex offenders, but also their family members. Why stop at GPS Tracking Shackles for sex offenders? Why not all ex-felons? Why not everyone who crosses our borders? What about the mentally ill? Why don't we just implant a GPS Tracking Device in every man, woman, and child in California? Then we really will be safe from one another. The State could also collect DNA samples from all Californians to be stored in a police database until needed. Or maybe The State can collect information about all aspects of every Californian and post it on the internet, so no one in California could "hide" personal information from their nieghbors. It's all for our own good. The State only wants what's best for us. Even if we don't know it yet. We sure wouldn't live in the Land of the Free anymore, but we sure will be safe and secure from one another. Who needs rights, liberties, freedoms, or the pursuit of happiness when we could be 100% safe and live in a Police State Utopia. Jessica's Law is just one of the many first steps we are headed toward this U.S. Constitution hating utopia. We must come together and fight Jessica's Law before it is too late. Please, join the fight. If not for yourself.... for your children.
At 12:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lets take a look at what happened to the Ameish girls, The man who had done this, had molested his cousins years earlier and stated to his wife that he now has the urges again. I strongly believe that there is no such rehabilitation for people with this sickness, it is something that will eat at them for the rest of their lives. They will always have the urges to touch, or even harm a child. You don't know who they are you have no clue if they are watching your child or not. Lets stop the maddness and put to death anyone who wrongfully molest a child. I mean ANYONE NO MATTER OF AGE, RACE OR SEX! This has to stop these people are not people they are preditors and needed to be treated as such, out to DEATH!
At 8:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Remember when judging sex pffenders to look at the sectrion code as my husband IS A registered sex offender as his girlfriend was 17 and he was 22 in the state of MONTana and the neighbor turned them in for living together with the mothers permission. So a great marriege 6 boys and a hard life of being judged has been hard. He IS NOT a child molestor,petefile,it just was a circumstance years ago We are working on a law for this type of incident to not be a regfistered offence and the new Section code to red" SEX with a minor with permission but still under age" WE BOTH SUPPORT the first offence law........GET THEM before they do it again.
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe sex offenders should spend the rest of there lives locked up. I have a sick uncle that has molested me and other children. He should never be able to get out of prison i was 6 when he done this to me and im now 33 and still live knowing what he did to me. they know right from wrong. I believe they would think twice before doing this if they know they get caught they would stay locked up for life.
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am the last person to defend a child molester. But at the same time there are some that have been given this label that DO NOT deserve it. They make pleas because they cannot afford to defend themselves. Children in this time and age have way too much power over adults. Yes protect our children but also who is suppose to protect the adults. This act certainly does not!!!!
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a victim of molestation at the age of 3 and then later in life at 12 to mid 20's, I wish I had someone like Mark Lunsford to speak out for me.I admire the man and the family for staying calm and not risking that the trial be overturned. As for the death penalty, that is to good for the predators, they should be made to suffer in genral population. Most people know that in all prisons baby rapers are the lowest of all and are treated as they have done to others. This would be a fitting punishment: life in prison in general population.
At 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
To protect the children, we do need to take certain legal measures. However, I am one of those people who had to plea bargain because it was the only way available to own daughter accused me after getting in contact with her deadbeat mother. She owes nearly 10 years in child support about $34K. I had sole custody after she physically, and emotionally abused, then abandoned my two daughters and step-son.
My teen-aged daughter wanted to leave my wife and I because we did not let her get away with wasting her time in school...we had high expectations. The deadbeat called CPS from her home on the other side of the nation--her passport and driver's license were both suspended, and a lien was placed on the house she and her husband bought. My daughter could not keep her story straight, I noted 7 variances to her story. My second daughter refused to testify against she conveniently had an asthma attack (a condition she had no symptoms for for more than 3 years). The police were supposed to give me a lie detector test. They didn't so I paid to have it done. I passed the test. They threw the facts out and went for the emotional drama queen, in spite of her changes to the story. It's bad enough I have to register for my entire life for something I did not Jessica's Law makes my life even more difficult. Is that justice? Err on the side of caution just doesn't spell justice to me. My younger children are now suffering because of this...CPS still will not let me go home. They say I am in denial when I state the facts...they would rather I state their version of the story in counseling. I have done everything they have demanded of me, except for accepting their lies as fact. What would you do?
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
On behalf of a victim's family- THANK YOU. This law enabled a child molester to be placed in prison for 50 years for his 2 counts of agg indecent liberties with a child in Kansas.
Jessica will always be in our prayers. And as for the family of Jessica- it was your strength that gave us strength to stand up against this pervert.
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, there are many children who have been victims of these hideous crimes and I'd like to tell you about one more - my granddaughter. She was 9 years old when she confessed to us that she had been victimized by her grandfather. At the time of the crime, she was in the care of her father as her parents are divorced. June 2006 she confessed to us in her child like manner but we got the ghastly picture. The police were immediately called and they confronted him. He confessed, giving a date with sickly details.
She was SEVEN years old and a victim of sodomy. She has been through the Rainbow House and counseling. And him? He served ONE WEEK in jail. He is now walking the streets "awaiting" trial. Over two years?? Could his being a mexican have any bearing on his case? YOU BETCHA!!! The last time we followed up with the courts, we were simply told that it had been sent to another county for review. That was over two months ago. Justice for these children? There surely hasn't been any for my granddaughter. How do you explain to a 7 year old what happened to her? What lasting effects will she have in later life? She is now 11 and already showing signs of the effects. Well, that's now our problem. It certainly isn't his. He got away FREE. But what innocent victims have been molested by him while he goes unpunished? Yes, we need tougher laws for ALL child molesters. This is a thoughtless, sick, twisted, perverted crime against our children. What happened to my granddaughter should NEVER have ever occurred. We need to take a stand and protect our children but in order to do so, we need the law on our side. By the Grace of God, someday someone of authority will listen and DO SOMETHING.
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Life in prison, or a death sentence is not going to be a deterrent in many cases, and will only result in more cases of child abuse/molestation being unreported.
Most abusers know there victim. Most are relatives. Knowing that a parent, sibling, cousin, or aunt/uncle will be locked away for life or killed will prevent many of these cases from being brought to the public's attention.
sex offenders are vilified even more so then murderers in our society, however a majority of the offenses are minor, and a majority of offenders this is there first time being arrested for anything. of ALL criminals sex offenders are LESS likely to commit any further crimes as opposed to someone convicted of any other offense. yes, those in the minority who do reoffend make for sensational headlines and public outcry, but they are few and far between, and chances are those who reoffended likely should have had a harsher punishment in the first place...
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Could someone please make a list of the brutal rape and murder of all the young men and girls in the last ten years. I can think of Polly,Jessica,the little Van Damm girl,Amber has't been found and now Chelsea. All of these children are now lost to us. The best and the innocent,gone.There were two little boys in the Mission Valley area, a few years ago. GET THE MOLESTERS OF THE STREETS. Anyone caught should go to jail for LIFE. Usually the perpetrater has many victoms, they didn't come forward.
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a resisted sex offender. I molested a 9 yr old girl; I fell in love with her. I was out of my mind. I still can't believe what I was thinking and actually acted on those feelings. I am in treatment still and doing very well. I have learned a lot about myself and how to prevent it from happening again. Everyone must understand to stop child molestation we must all identify and seek help for our children before they commit these acts as teens and adults. You can write all the laws you want but it will not stop it from happening, cause if you don't stop the offender before they grow up. Let’s be clear, there are child molesters, pedophiles, violent child rapists and child killers. The vast majority of child molesters and pedophiles with treatment will never offend again, contrary to popular belief. Most of us sex offenders want to stop and get help but there is a catch 22 you seek help you go to jail and you are on a registry for the world to torment you for 20yrs or life there is no chance for a real life ever. Save Registries for 2nd time offenders. Give life to violent child rapists and child killers.
At 5:55 PM,
alma said…
I think any one who hurts or kill our children should be put to death
no questions ask go right to the death chamber
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