One down, 49 to go - because EVERY state in the union should have this law on the book (hat-tip Michele Malkin)- AP:
Spurred by the kidnapping and murder of a 9-year-old girl, Gov. Jeb Bush signed legislation Monday that strengthens punishment and monitoring of child sex abusers. The Jessica Lunsford Act sets a mandatory sentence of 25 years to life in prison for people convicted of molesting children under 12. If offenders serve less than life, they would be required to wear a global positioning system device after their release so authorities can monitor their whereabouts. [...] The proposal sped through the legislative process, pushed by outraged lawmakers - many of whom said it was hard to temper their anger and not go for something even harsher. It passed both the Senate and House unanimously and was sent to Bush on April 22. [...] The House had passed the bill unanimously April 19, two days after another sex offender was charged in the abduction and murder of 13-year-old Sarah Lunde of Ruskin.[...] Advocates for satellite monitoring of offenders say that in addition to warning authorities when a sex offender is someplace he shouldn't be - such as near a school - it also will allow for quick pinpointing of suspects if a child is abducted. The tracking requirement only affects people convicted in the future, but current sex offenders who violate their probation would be ordered back to jail or be placed under GPS monitoring.
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
As someone who has spent time incarcerated, I hace met sex offenders up close and personal.They are sick humans who need to be removed from society. The reason there is such a high recidivist rate for sex offenders is because they are twisted deranged people. My heart breaks for the children who come into contact with these animals. I believe Jessica is with God now, and I believe it is a better place to be than to live in this world after surviving an encounter with an animal like that.
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am 19 from gulfport MS and I promise i will do everything in my beeing to get jessicas law established in my state i pray some of you will do the same please help me and others like me take our playgrounds back
god bless us all
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I feel that once a person spends his time in prison for a crime, when he is released, he still has a hard time finding a job. He has already paid his price and still paying for the rest of his life. Sometimes it is the girls who want to go out with the older boys, but they aren't given any type of punishment. Every case is different, but the government is putting all people with a sex crime in one big pot and calling them sex offenders. You aren't just going after the ones who have forced sex on a kid and killed them, you are also focusing on the younger guys who have younger girls persuing the guys and lieing about their age. Every case should be considered by a judge who hears the case and judge the person individually, not putting everyone in the pot and calling them sex offenders who should never be released. There is a difference between a sex offender and a sexual preditor. I feel sorry for the families of the victims, but I also feel sorry for the families of the offenders. As Jesus said, "Let ye who are without sin cast the first stone".
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
We need Jessica's law in every state. We have to show our children that we care more for them then these sexual predator. Our children should be safe to be kids, to play and go to school. Lets tell our future that we love them and we are listening.let's make Jessica's law a law in every state.
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think that every state should have Jessica's law and would do whatever was needed to make this happen. I have a 3 year old daughter and something like this happening to her is my biggest fear. Being able to regulate and lock up the sick individuals who do these things to our children, our future, should be one of our biggest priorities in life
At 10:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am an Atheist and have a child - religion has nothing to do with this. These people should be put aside effectively. We should know what is the percentage of people like this in every generation and expect to have that very percentage convicted every year. If these numbers don't match - we're not doing a god job to protect our children.
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Texas and I am slightly embarassed that Florida beat us to it. This is one of the best laws passed ever! And as far as that guy from UK that opposes this law, you have no right to voice your opinion because this is foreign soil to you! You can just stay in UK and never visit the greatest nation on the planet. We have our own ways and our own laws so if you don't like it, change it, but you can't since you are not a U.S. citizen. Thought you sould know that.
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
The views of the general public regarding sexual offenses against vulnerable minor children are unanimous in that...something must be done to protect kids but we must be very carefully in crafting these laws. Possibly Jessica's Law is a step in the right direction...if taken on a case-by-case basis. In haste, and feeling total outrage for this type of act...we may want to dig a deep pit and bury these sex offenders alive...like Hitler did the Jews...but what about those carrying the label "sex offender" who were convicted erroneously as a result of a failed marriage or vindictive girlfriend. In today's world all a mad woman with a child has to say is "he touched my child inappropriately" and the caped crusaders in the Prosecutor's Office have a hay day filing charges, arresting a man, destroying his life, and providing a jury with a 'villian' to find guilty for a crime no one knows for sure in many cases was even committed! It is 'Open Season' on men who piss off a woman with a child. Haven't you ever heard of a case being reversed, or a child years later recanting their guided in-court-testimony, or a mistake being made in our judicial arena? If not...maybe you should read the newspaper or watch the news. Generally those result in plea bargains anyway to avoid further prosecution and obtain some type of conviction. Of course none of this matters unless it happens to you. You are the one accused of some depicable crime you didn't do, the powers of the prosecution are now crushing you, destroying you...and what if you're truly innocent? Hundreds of people a year are convicted of these types of crimes...some guilty and some not...but to automatically hurl everyone with this label into a category makes you no better than the KKK and "Lynch Mobs" killing the Blacks in the south, or Hitler murdering millions of Jews, or the idiots burning Witches in Salem! Outrage leads to insanity, and this issue needs to be carefully considered before some blanket policy becomes a 'blanket party'. Case by case is my point. Apply some common sense. Someone needs to be appointed the position to review and determine the facts of these cases, beyond the notch on the pole a Prosecutor calls a conviction.
At 2:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the "anonymous" person who believes that there is a difference in a sex offender and a sexual predator, we are not talking about consentual sex with someone under 12. These perverts, deserve to be put to death. They shouldn't be given the opportunity to become a repeat offender. If the punishment were harsher, maybe they would think about their actions before they ruin some 12 year old girl's life. The damage that they suffer is irreparable and will take years to even begin to deal with. I do not believe that there is any form of medication or treatment that can rehabilitate child molesters. For people who think that these perverts can be "cured," well we will just let them babysit YOUR 12 year old daughter. Let your family be the "test" for these criminals, not someone else's.
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."---Um how about we revise that to "let he who is without sexual crimes against a child cast the first vote to pass Jessica's law."
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Penny Dupuie
Kalkaska, MI
At 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
I beleive in this law sooooooooo much I want to ask who lives in the state of oregon or anyother state that doesn't have this law to write you'r governor every day and in your county start the Jessica Law protesting all the time.
At 4:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just have to say that myself these people should be put away for life but then we would really have an over crowding problem wouldn't we. I am a mother who no longer has her daughter, in my opinion, due to a sexual, disgusting, lurking predator. He was a mental health tech in a hospital where at the time, my 13 year old daughter had to go for a while. She had bipolar and needed to be hospitalized. This 29 year old man sexually and emotionally abused my daughter. He started the relationship while she was there and then when she was released it continued for approx. 4-5 months. She would disappear and we had no idea where she was. Later we found out. She was with him. In May or so of that year she began really going down hill. Very depressed, wouldn't get out of bed sometimes, wouldn't even comb her hair. She had bipolar but this was way beyond her norm. Then other times she would dissappear or get in trouble with the law and ended up in Juvenile Hall again and then sent to a youth camp. While at the youth camp for I would say a week or so, we got a phone call that my daughter was in the hospital because she attempted suicide. It was very close. She was transferred to another hospital where we would find out about this MONSTER. To her he was a Knight. She finally told about the relationship with this man. She was released and seemed to be doing o.k and then we have another attempt. I took her to the hospital and she was put into residential treatment again. November of that year, he was arrested on 27 counts of sexual assult. January of 2003 he was sentenced 2-10 years for statutory sexual seduction and child abuse with substantial emotional harm. My daughter had two more suicide attempts and hospitalizations after that. In the sessions he would be the topic alot. In her heart, he was somehow still there. She worte many poems about him. Asked why he was being punished and not her too. "It was consentual, so how can he be in trouble" she would say. Febuary 2005, we came home to find her int he bathtub full of blood. Rushed her to the hospital, she stayed, got released. She really seemed like she was starting to get over that part of her life and move on. She got her first job (16 now) and loved it. She seemed happy. Around April 4, 2005 or so, she disappeared again. Aprill 11, 2005 she came home and we called her P.O. because she was on probation. We needed to re-group and figure out what to do next. They picked her up and took her to Juvenile Hall. She was booked at 12:30 PM. She was placed on suicide watch due to her past and the recent attempt. At 3:15 PM they found her hanging by her sheets in her cell and she was gone. This man is partially responsible for her death. No, he didn't shoot her or strangle himself but he might as well have. He got 2-10 years and I got a life sentence. You tell me what a fair sentence is?
If you live in NV contact me at vegaslynie@cox.net
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I work in the movement for stopping sexual assault and family violence. Registerting as a sex offender does not stop an offender from re-offending. Tagging sex offenders would at least make the offender think twice about re-offending. However, the bigger picture is that an offender needs rehabilitation which in some cases is nearly impossible. Sex offenders have a problem that is not going to go away just because they were incarcerated. I have seen many interviews with sex offenders(who are in prison) that admit that if they were released into the public that they would re-offend. So, for now I think Jesica's law is great because it will save lives but it does not address the bigger picture...These offenders have a problem, the problem needs to be addressed and dealt with and assessed before they are released.
At 12:27 PM,
BirDeBlogger said…
Our company is launching a campaign in 2006 to help get Jessica's Law passed. We will be donating an amount of our profits to this cause.
Over crowding or not....build more prisons....it would be better than seeing more children hurt by predators.
Machelle Pacion
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Being a victim of sexual abuse as a child I think they should all be put to death. If that seems inhumane then put them in a guarded leper colony. No beds to sleep in and food is hard to come by. Let them feed of themselves. They are disgusting and evil people. Let them rot in living hell before they actually get to the real one.
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Being a victim of sexual abuse as a child I think they should all be put to death. If that seems inhumane then put them in a guarded leper colony. No beds to sleep in and food is hard to come by. Let them feed of themselves. They are disgusting and evil people. Let them rot in living hell before they actually get to the real one.
At 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
what haooens to a child older then 12 years of age?
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
R.I.P Jessica... We all well be praying for you and your family...
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a mother and therefore every child I see is my child--I cannot begin to imagine the grief and anger of the parents of these precious children. The only punishment for child molestors and murderers is CAPITAL punishment! I am a firm advocate of the death penalty & no one need argue any differently with me! These people CANNOT be rehabilitated!
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
A young child in my family, a child of three, was a victim of sexual abuse and it was found that the perpetrator had also abused 15 other young children. He is out after a few short years in jail, free to strike again. Jessica's Law can't be passed soon enough for me.
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
In a time before I was born,specificly the earlier part of 1900's we had much less kidnapping and rape or molestation going on,the law that was in effect in the 1930's through the 1950's seems to have been misplaced somewhere in place of the civil rights of the criminals, these indiduals were summarly executed. This used to be the standing law of the land and was respected. I was born in 1960 and we have had some overdue prison reform, However in respect to the safety of children we have lost so much,if laws are not inacted soon where will american children be safe? nowhere? In countries like iceland and the scandinavian countries these sick people are locked away for life, In china and the russian republics they are put to death. For our beloved children to be terrorized of killed so that a man without honor or morals be free, endangers our youth forever and sentances our children to harm and fear in a great country, in our world thoughout all species the young are protected. Let us return to an age of reason and morality with protection of our youth, our legacy to the future.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
the only method ever used to stop sex offenders is prison, and as we all know, prison never cured anyone. Jessicas law will do nothing but put children at greater risk of being abused because 89% of all abuse is done in the home, and who's gonna tell on daddy? in addition.. megans and jessicas law do nothing to stop the 90% of offenders who have never been caught
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a 19 year old from Ohio. I have a 4 year old nephew who said his step-dad touched him (a way no child should be touched). My family is now tring to get this a$$ hole in jail. It kills me to think he has a chance to walk free. I think this law should be passed in every state. I dont care if a person is a first time offender or 15th, laws NEED to be passed so these people cant hurt any other child and their families. A person who even thinks about hurting a child in this way is sick and should be put in jail forever.
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Me and my sister were molested when we were little by our biological father and we went to court and did what we needed to do but nothing was done to him at all. He didn't even have to go to jail for the awful things he did to us. And that next weekend me adn my sister had to have visition with our biological faher because he had rights to see us. Me and my sister have nothing to do with him any longer and when we were both 18+ we got adopted to our Step-Father. I know have a four year old daughter and if anything ever happened to her like it happened to me I would want that man/women in prison for as long as they could get and I would make them a sign saying "child molester" to wear around. I have sent out letters to my Congressmen and State Reps do do something about this and hopefully my state will pass Jessica's Law soon.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
You have to understand who it is you are sending to prison for life, HUMAN BEINGS. Like it or not these are living, breathing, feeling, human beings. I admit crimes against children are terrible, but it is flat out ignorant of all of you to think that you can solve this or any problem by locking people up for good. These people, you fools call monsters, have been victims themselves, of either sex crimes, abuse, both physical and emotional and most suffer from some form of post trumatic stress disorder. These people are damaged themselves. I live on the same block as a registered offender, and not once over the last 2yrs has he once acted out or even acted creepy. He has a family, a girlfriend and a 7yr old boy. He seems like a good father and wants nothing more than to put his past behind him and raise his child and possibly have another in the future. People can change! These people are someones child, someones father, someones grandfather and almost 95% go on to NEVER offend again. If someone wants to steal from you they will, if they want to rape you,they will, if they want to kill you, they will. We have to care enough to help those in need and wake up! Locking people up and throwing away the key is no answer. My heart goes out to Jessicas family, I hope we as a society we can work together to create a more realistic solution than what is proposed in Jessicas Law.
At 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I dont agree with all of this, saying these people must of been victims of abuse, I was when I was growing up and I am not out their molesting young children and killing them. your right they are related to someone, everybody is even murderes so are you saying we should let everybody in the prison system free. what a world this would be then.
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
If we're spounting insanity lets spout at least insane facts. First of all any crime, and I stress any is terrible. Whether it me sexual, drug, or money motivated. Yes, sex crimes are a problem but then so are drug crimes, violent crimes, and crimes involving money. Children today are more likely to be molested by a pusher hanging around their school than they are a sex offender. In some places families have to furniture in their houses and sit on the floors because of the gang related drive by shootings that happen. I remember a six year old girl brutally shot dead in the cross-fire of a gang shoot out, yet I don't see CNN, Fox, or MSNnbc up in arms. I don't see lobbying happening for the removal of guns from our streets. I don't see DUI offenders being called on to lock up for their lives, to wit how many "Children" are killed from drunk driving accidents? Where's your cry for execution there? I have a son, and yes I worry about him every day of my life. I worry about the world he's about to enter and even more so now that he's a teenager. But I know that I have taught him well and pray that through that teaching he'll avoid these situations. I read facts from all sides and use that knowledge to "Know the Enemy" to better enable my son to cope with these things. Whether its the drug dealer, alcohol, gangs, or other crime, I've given him true power to protect himself, because even though I would love for him to stay a child forever, I know that he is growing up and fast and he must be enabled through proper teaching to become a safe teenager and a healthy adult. As for executing all criminals, let me tell you what a wise man once told me..."Prisons are and illusion. They simpily do not work. They make the judicial systems and law enforcement systems appear to work and be sucessful. However if they did work, then we simpily wouldn't have crime!" This is the truth. Pure and simple. Crime can be reduced, it can be stopped, but it has to be done when they are children themselves and not adults. Your children will become the adult from that which they learn in the first six years of their lives. Everyone who is a criminal has called out for help, not when they are adults, but when they are children. Yet nobody answered. The believed it was a "Phase" or something they would grow out of. Do you really think that these people who commit crimes parents are slapping themselves on the backs with great grins and pride for the acts their children commit. Do you? Is it just a "Phase" your own child is going through or a call for help. These are the more important things to worry about. This is the first step in becoming a "Proactive" society instead of a "Reactive" one. This idea that "All for one and screw everybody else" has got to change. Whether you like it or not, we are a society and are strongest when we stand together, not apart and throwing blame. If we wish to becoming better than what came before us, then we need to swollow our pride, and take that step foreward. Become forearmed with knowledge and facts rather than bitterness and hate. Because to wish ill on another is nothing but hate. Am I saying that all should be allowed to walk free, no! What I am saying though is change the behavior when we're able. Then and only then will prisons and the judicial system really work. For then the prisons will be filled with those who are truely without cause for help. Did Couey do this, I don't know. And I rely not on the media to inform me but my own pursuit of the knowledge. If he did, yes he probably should be locked away from society because he is a menace to that society. So remember, the Salem Witch Trials began with a moment of outrage and fear, and the end result was the killing of many innocent people. The nazi's began labling the Jewish with emblems to track, and that lead to mass murder. Do you wish to follow that path or choose a path of your own. Become informed with the truth from all aspects of the situation and not just one, for if you don't, it could be you in the showers when the law listens to the people!
At 11:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not saying all criminals should be let free, read what I said again before you respond.Anonymous at 11:21 pm.
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
People you need to do your home work here!Many of the sex offenders have no record!!!They were teachers, coatches , ants , uncles and so on. They were not stalking kids!! Yes there are those too. The law really is a joke. There are laws in place that need to be inforced. Sex offenders did there time just like others , and yes they can change! Yes this is a sad case . Very sad and my heart goes out to all involved. Many sex offenders can and do change just like any other crime. So the law my take care of conviced sex offenders it does nothing for those who have not been convicted. then is it right for some one who really can change to not get the chance like other crimes? I yhink there are crimes just as bad yet they get to start over and do it right. Not so with sex offenders! Yes I have have kids and grand kids. yet I think all need a chance to change. who are you to say what is in some ones heart. As a matter of fack I do know some who have done there time and are on the right path.
You see I am one , and yes I turned myself in and did my time. I am now great friends with the person involved.
I am not out looking for your kids!!!! I learned well!!I may live next to you but so what! I do not care for your kids!! It was over 25 years ago. Yes i will pay for it the rest of my life , because you will make sure of that.You need to learn the real facts if you are so worried about your kids.Do not be surprised when your kid gets molested and it is right under you nose! Because you are so worried about people like me!! This case is not how it happens 90% of the time. Belive me I know all about it now. The laws make sure of that.
My point is to wise up people!!Learn the truth.
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At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a mother of five. Six years ago I went thur a nightmare with my girls found out my husband(now ex-husband) been sexual mol. my girls under the age of 10years old. The nightmare is still hauting us today He'll be in prision until 2007. My youngest son is his I'm trying To have his name change and the father rights relegeous. My little boy who is 6 doesn't know his dad. But he wants his last name change to my maiden. Due to people tell him his dad is bad he doesn't want the last name. He doesn't like what his dad did hurt his sisters. Any answer for me
At 8:14 AM,
alex said…
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At 10:23 PM,
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I'd help The poor who try to help themselves, zoloft Who have to work so hard for bread They can't get very far ahead.. The way the audience caught on shows that. thyroid. coming in at nine, Thursday evening! Think of this, reader, for men who know the world is trying to go backward, and who would give their lives if they could help it on! Well! The double had succeeded so well at the Board, aspirin that I sent him to the Academy.. Their dreams are generally full of the most indifferent and bizarre matter, and no insulin trace of the realization of the wish is to be found in their content.. The blind tumult of capture had passed; a great tenderness zyrtec possessed him.. Golf, tennis, driving, shooting, boating, zetia fishing, all of the best.. is the daughter of a man to whom I owed money ! I cannot help noticing cephalexin that here there is revealed an unsuspected connection between the dream content and my thoughts.. Ellsworth was sitting at the center calcium window above, placidly looking out.. The astounded boy gave a shout, but bextra was speedily left behind.. The latter, I grieve to say, was a pure invention of the Colonel's--an doxycycline oratorical addition to the scanty information he had obtained the previous day.. Before I could recover my sight, the lady of my love had disappeared--irreparably affronted at what she chose to consider my premeditated rudeness in passing her nexium by ungreeted.. It is doubtful if he hoped to become acetaminophen governor of the state, at least before an advanced period in his career.. Something alive thyroid and tangible had come to link them with the happy past.. Obsessions and those peculiar sensations of haunting dread remain as strange to normal consciousness as do dreams to our waking consciousness; soma their origin is as unknown to consciousness as is that of dreams.. The answer was duly placed, and as duly carried to Miss Bangle by her accomplice, Joe Englehart, an unlucky pickle who was always for ill, never for good, and who found no difficulty in obtaining the letter unwatched, since the master was obliged to be in xanax school at nine, and Joe could always linger a few minutes later...
At 9:06 PM,
alex said…
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
i feel this law is harsh my husband has never been in trouble in his life a child said he commited sodomy and was sentenced to life off of hear say where is the justice in that no one listened to what he had to say and was alreay treating him like a criminal now im a single mother with two boys and i can barely support then the system has alot of flaws and no one looks at them they think children cant lie
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a survivor, I agree 120% with this statement. As a resident of Washington state, and the job preformance of our current Govenor - I feel that Washington state should also adopt Jessica's Law. Maybe if more politicians listened to those survivors (young or old) who are willing to speak out, there would not be so man repeat cases or offenders whose where abouts are unknown.
At 11:39 AM,
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